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Anna Cetnarowska

Research Assistant
Susanne Mandrup Lab

Phone: +45 6550 2406

I completed a Master’s degree in molecular biotechnology at Jagiellonian University in Poland in 2020. During my Master’s study I was a Visiting Student Researcher from the Fulbright program at University of Virginia. I was studying the role of BACH2, transcriptional factor in autoimmune disease by defining targets of BACH2 regulation in T cells using both experimental and computational methods. 

I joined Susanne Mandrup’s research group in October 2020 as a Phd student within Enhpathy consortium in frame of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)-ITN-ETN European Training Networks. Enhpathy is a highly cooperative and multidisciplinary consortium which aims to understand the molecular base of human enhanceropathies. My PhD project aims to study the role of 3D topology during lineage determination of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC).