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Center for War Studies

Hendrik Huelss

Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science and Public Management


Research areas
AI in international relations and security
Autonomous Weapons Systems
International norms

Funded projects
AUTONORMS; Senior Researcher; 08/2020-07/2023; European Research Council; project website:

Selected publications

Bode, Ingvild/Huelss, Hendrik (2023), ‘Constructing Expertise: Constructing expertise: the front- and back-door regulation of AI’s military applications in the European Union’, Journal of European Public Policy, E-publication ahead of print, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2023.2174169

Bode, Ingvild/Huelss, Hendrik/Nadibaidze, Anna/Qiao-Franco, Guangyu and Tom Watts. “Prospects for the Global Governance of Autonomous Weapons: Comparing Chinese, Russian, and US Practices”. Ethics and Information Technology, 25:5, pp. 1-15.

Bode, Ingvild/Huelss, Hendrik (2022). Autonomous Weapons Systems and International Norms, London & Kingston/Montreal/Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press

Bode, Ingvild/Huelss, Hendrik (2021). ‘The future of remote warfare? Artificial intelligence, weapons systems and human control’, Remote warfare: Interdisciplinary perspectives. McKay, A./Watson, A./Karlshøj-Pedersen, M. (eds.). Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing, p. 218-233

‘Norms Are What Machines Make of Them: Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Normative Implications of Human-Machine Interactions’, International Political Sociology2020, 14:2, 111-128.

‘Be Free? Conceptualising the European Union’s Post-Arab Spring Women Empowerment as Neoliberal Governmentality’, Journal of International Relations and Development, 22:1, 2019, pp. 136–158.

‘Autonomous Weapons Systems and Changing Norms in International Relations’ (with Ingvild Bode), Review of International Studies, 44:3, 2018, pp. 393-413.

‘After Decision-Making: The Operationalization of Norms in International Relations’, International Theory, 9:3, 2017, pp. 381-409.