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Fabio Avolio

Former Postdoc

Fabio Avolio obtained a PhD in Molecular Biology from the Universita' Vita e Salute at Ospedale San Raffaele (Milan, Italy) and Open University (London, UK) in 2008. He did his first postdoctoral research with Prof. Angus Lamond at Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, University of Dundee (Dundee, Scotland). Here he used Mass Spectrometry and molecular technology to study protein expression, interaction and developing new vectors for gene transfer and silencing. He did his second Postdoc back in Italy studing mesenchymal stem cells and corneal stem cells with Prof. Enzo Calautti at Molecular Biotechnology Center (Turin, Italy). Fascinated by studies on diabetes and pancreas development he then moved to the INSERM laboratory of Prof. Patrick Collombat (Nice, France). In April 2018 he joined the ATLAS team to work on single cells and single nuclei sequencing projects on liver samples.

Fabio worked in ATLAS for three years and is currently pursuing the next step in his career after a successful time in our center.