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Development of technology and intelligent systems that can help both young and old, sick and healthy live a better life

The emphasis on the combination of health informatics and technology has never been greater, among politicians as well as among ordinary people. Therefore, at the University of Southern Denmark you can get a Master of Science in Engineering degree in Health Informatics and Technology. You will learn about human anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, and this knowledge will be combined with knowledge in engineering, IT, and mechanics.

With a master’s degree in Health Informatics and Technology you will, for example, be able to design robots that can help rehabilitate sick people or accident victims. You can also work with artificial intelligence, for example for image diagnosting, including scanning. With this study programme you can specialize in either RoboMedic or Health-IT.

With the knowledge you get on the programme you will be able to help make people more self-reliant, safe, and mobile, for example by developing telecare solutions, robotic toilets, patient suitcases, interactive screens, etc. You can also help lay the foundations for more effective treatment by supporting the clinicians' work with decision support systems, electronic patient records, etc.

During your studies, you will learn to apply robotics, sensor technology, and GPS and Informations and Communications Technology , and image processing. This provides a lot of new possibilities, whether people are sick or healthy, young or old.

The programme was formerly called Welfare Technology.

Generate development and make a difference

You become a key person in the development of new ways to help elderly, t people with sickness or disabilities. It will give our society other ways to create care for people who need 'warm hands'.

Another area to work with is the world of fitness where you can develop new, more fun, and more efficient exercise methods and machines. In fact, you can help create an entirely new industry where robotics makes rehabilitation fun.
You can also work with the certification of medical technology, so that society can provide safe and good solutions for use both at home and in hospitals.

Project work and research based study environment

You become part of a project based and problem-based study environment where you work in project groups. You and your fellow students are responsible for planning and carrying out projects – and for meeting the deadlines. We make a point of allowing you to solve ‘real-world’ problems. The projects are usually received from companies or researchers.

Versatile career paths

As a graduate you will have a wide range of job opportunities in Denmark and abroad. You can get jobs in both the public and private sectors, where technology and health meet people.

For example, you can develop intelligent technology for prevention, diagnosting, telemedicine, rehabilitation, and care. You can also work as a project manager, where you use your interdisciplinary knowledge to bridge technology and the health sector. You can furthermore work with the certification of medical technology and aids so that it is approved for safe use by humans.