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The Faculty of engineering facilitates courses which helps the students to find a job after graduation

When you have graduated, and the last exam is over your next job is waiting for you.

Sometimes it can be confusing to find the first job as a newly graduated student.

The Faculty of Engineering offers two courses ( 5 ECTS) for students to help navigate in the current and future labor market. As a part of these courses, the students are  working with their ability to communicate their competences, network, collaboration and find the career pattern to persue.

One of the main part of the courses is the mentor who are provided. Small groups of students are associated with a mentor from the industry. During the course, the students interact with the mentor to help understand the expectations from the labour market.  

See the relevant links below regarding information about the two courses: 

Karriereudvikling for ingeniørstuderende  -targeting specific engineering programs (Course ID: T700050101)

Strategies for entering the Danish Labour Market for international students (Course ID: T700049101)


Additionally, international students have the possibility to participate in an extra curriculum course: Talent program Career in Denmark - see the below link. 

Relevant links
