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New adjunct professor

Michael Pedersen is appointed Adjunct Professor in Radiology

Professor Michael Pedersen is appointed Adjunct Professor in radiology at the Research and Innovation Unit in Radiology, Department of Clinical Research, SDU and Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital from 1 February 2020 for a 5-year period.

He will engage with the Research and Innovation Unit of Radiology (OUH) with the visionary aim entitled: Experimental diagnostic medical imaging research – Accelerated validation process and implementation in clinical practice. In collaboration with Head of Research, Ole Graumann, special emphases will be on the following initiatives:

  1. Renal disease including cancer: Diagnostic imaging to avoid biopsy and monitor treatment response
  2. Liver disease: Diagnostic imaging to avoid biopsy and monitor treatment response.
  3. Brain and kidney elastography - MRI elastography could become a new method to measure the pressure in ventricles and fibrosis in the kidneys. 

He holds a position as professor in bioimaging at Aarhus University Hospital, and medical diagnostic imaging like MRI, US and CT already plays a significant role in his daily research. He has contributed to more than 150 scientific papers in this field.

Besides, he contributes to several institutional and national initiatives in radiology, such as responsible in the Danish Archiving and PHenotyping NEtwork (DAPHNE), and board of Danish Biomaging Network, Danish representative in EuroBioimaging. 

Besides, he undertakes ongoing initiatives in the European Research Council’s Horizon-2020 Health, Demographic Change and Well-being Societal Challenge programme, and the Horizon Europe programmes, and he is also member of several EU-based COST, EMEA and industrial networks in the field of radiology. 

Editing was completed: 07.02.2020