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Inaugural Seminar

Inaugural seminar adjunct professor Anne Snowdon and adjunct professor Julia Reichelt

Department of Clinical Research and Odense University Hospital welcomes two new adjunct professors at an inaugural seminar november 1. 2019

Date and time:

November 1, 2019 from 14:00 hrs. CET


The Auditorium
University of Southern Denmark
J.B. Winsløws Vej 25
DK-5000 Odense C

The Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, the associated departments at Odense University Hospital (OUH), and the Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU, hereby invite you to attend an inaugural seminar with the following program:

14.00-14.05: Introduction and welcome 
Kirsten Ohm Kyvik, Head of Department, Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU

14.05-14.35: "Digital Transformation to Advance Health System Performance: The Clinically Integrated Supply Chain Strategy" 
Anne Snowdon, Adjunct Professor of Clinical Supply Chain Innovation at the Centre for Innovative Medical Technology (CIMT), Department of Clinical Research, SDU, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the University of Windsor, Canada, Academic Chair of the World Health Innovation Network (WIN), and Scientific Director and CEO of SCAN Health – an International Knowledge Translation Platform under the Canadian Networks of Centers of Excellence

14.35-15.05: “Moving towards curing the incurable - developing gene therapies for inherited skin disorders" 
Julia Reichelt, Dr. Habil, PhD, Adjunct Professor at the Department of Dermato-Venerology and Allergy Centre, OUH and at the Research Unit of Dermato-Venerology and Allergy, Department of Clinical Research, SDU

15.05-15.35: “The butterfly children – you may still die from a skin disease" 
Anette Bygum, Professor, MD, DMSc, Department of Dermato-Venerology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital and Research Unit of Dermato-Venerology and Allergy, Department of Clinical Research, SDU

15.35-15.45: Discussion and closing of the seminar


After the seminar, a reception will be held in the Café, J.B. Winsløws Vej 25, ground floor.The Faculty of Health Sciences would like to invite all interested persons to attend the seminar and the following reception.If you wish to participate, we kindly ask you to register here: no later than October 25, 2019.


For further information or questions, please contact administrative officer Vibeke Mortensen at


Best regards,

Ole Skøtt 


Driving directions

The rules that apply to parking in the parking ground by the university buildings, J. B. Winsløws Vej 15 – 25, DK-5000 C, exact that visitors arriving by car give the registration number of their vehicle on the iPad in the hall at J.B. Winsløws Vej 25, as soon as they arrive. There are some parking places where a parking disc may be used, but this will appear from the local signs. If you do not register your car, you may get a parking fine.


Editing was completed: 07.10.2019