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Large turn-out for workshop on online algorithms

50 computer scientists meet to discuss the newest developments in the field

IMADA's experts in online algorithms - Joan Boyar, Lene Favrholdt, and Kim Skak Larsen - arranged a workshop on the newest developments  in the field. The workshop took place Monday 7 July 2014.

"When two leading conferences in theoretical computer science are arranged in consecutive weeks in Copenhagen, but without any program for the Monday between them, it was clear that we ought to organize a 1-day workshop for that day", says Joan Boyar, chair of the organizing committee.

The workshop, Trends in Online Algorithms, was organized as a satellite workshop of ICALP, at the IT University, attracting about 50 researchers from many different countries. Kim Skak Larsen commented that "This is a really large number of participants for such an informal and specialized arrangement."

There were 11 presentations divided into different themes, the newest of which is called Advice Complexity. "The contributions were of very high quality", Lene Favrholdt added. As chair of the program committee she had main responsibility for evaluating the quality of the submitted results.

Afterwards there were many positive comments about the workshop and the facilitating work carried out by the ICALP organizing committee, headed by Thore Husfeldt.

Trends in Online Algorithms was supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences

Editing was completed: 11.07.2014