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Huge grant for Daniel Merkle

46,2 mio from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Challenge Programme

Daniel Merkle, head of the Algorithmic Cheminformatic group, IMADA, is receiving a grant of DKK 46.2 million.

Novo writes on their homepage: “The Foundation has awarded grants for two projects under the theme of Mathematical Modelling of Health and Disease. One grant recipient is Daniel Merkle from the University of Southern Denmark for the project Mathematical Modelling for Microbial Community Induced Metabolic Diseases (MATOMIC). This project will combine mathematical modelling and wet-lab experimentation to investigate how changing the composition of the microbiome can create a novel therapeutic tool for treating people with obesity." 

Around 20 million of the grant goes to IMADA. The rest is shared by the project partners University of Leipzig, University of Vienna and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig.

Press related contact information
Ursula Lundgreen
Communication officer
Phone: +45 65 50 16 20

Or contact Daniel Merkle directly:
Phone: +45 65502322
Editing was completed: 14.06.2021