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Computational & Organisational Cognition (CORG)

Funds for research dissemination

Education and Research Ministry has distributed dividend funds 2016

The Danish Education and Research Ministry has awarded COMAC with 60.670 DKK to promote understanding of the importance of research to society. The project is titled: “Conversations among stakeholders: Bridging the gap between research and public organizational challenges.”


COMAC will host a series of events where management level decision makers from various organisations (health, education, and small and medium sized enterprises) are invited to engage in a discussion of research and organisational challenges.


The planning is already underway and we look forward to hosting this exciting opportunity in 2017. If you or your organisation would like to hear more information about participating in such an event, please contact Jette Risom ( for more details.

Editing was completed: 02.09.2016