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Welcome to the TAL conference 2022 website

The main theme of the conference is activating teaching and  learning which are the fundamental principles at the University of Southern Denmark, SDU. The conference intends to support practitioners’ mutual inspiration and present knowledge and experiences on how students’ learning is enhanced in accordance with the fundamental principles of SDU.

The objective of the conference is to provide for the participants an opportunity to

  • share, document, demonstrate, reason and analyse their own examples of activating teaching and learning
  • be inspired to develop their own practice of activating teaching and learning

This year we direct our attention to Developing student and graduate competences for the 21st Century – share and be inspired by ways university teachers facilitate student development of their holistic sense of self and competences for lifewide ( and lifelong learning.

The conference target group is primarily employees at SDU and the University Colleges in the region. Meanwhile, the conference is open to everyone and abstracts and sign ups from participants from other national universities and other educational institutions are more than welcome.

Tuesday 8 November 2022 from 9 am to 15:30 , SDU Campus Odense - Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M.



 08.30   Coffee and rolls
 09.00   Welcome
 09.20   Keynotes - in English:
Norman Jackson - is an educator, writer, publisher and Founder of 'Lifewide Education" and 'Creative Academic'
- SDU Research & Innovation Organisation's 'Learner for Life' model will be introduced
- Q&A session
10.50 Break
11.05 Parallel sessions 1  - presentations from the participants - in Danish and English
12.15 Sandwich lunch and networking
13.00 Parallel sessions 2 - presentations from the participants - in Danish and English
14.10 Break
Panel discussion - in English:
- Norman Jackson
Caroline Schaffalitzky - Head of Studies, Philosophy, Dep. for the Study of Culture,  SDU
- Michael Petersen - Head of Education for Chemistry at Dep. of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, SDU
- Jannek Sommer - Program Responsible,  Dep. of  Business and Management, SDU Business School
15.30 Closing statements - Safe trip home!

In the parallel sessions  we invite you to share your teaching experiences regarding the following tracks:

  • TAL2022 main theme: Teaching for active learning
  • TAL2022 special focus: Developing student and graduate competences for the 21st Century – share and be inspired by ways university teachers facilitate student development of their holistic sense of self and competences for lifewide and lifelong learning (
  • Developing students’ awareness of personal, professional and/or academic competences
  • Instruments and methods for improving students’ awareness of their competence development – portfolios etc.
  • Exam formats for assessing students’ competence development
  • Processes behind adjusting the curriculum to include competence development
  • Student partnership initiatives which include competence development
  • Integrating or being inspired by competency models, e.g. SDU RIO’s Learner for Life; OECD’s Transformative Competences; EU’s EntreComp; Jackson’s Lifewide learning into Programmes of Study, courses, classes

Conference proceedings: Speakers will subsequently have the possibility of having their contribution included in the conference proceedings.


SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning:

For questions of a practical nature, please contact Anne Grete Petersen,


Deadline for registration - free of charge - is 1 November 2022

Registration link

Teaching for Active Learning - TAL2021

Resources from the TAL conference held at SDU 11 November 2021

Read more

Last Updated 07.05.2024