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SDUUP | Newsletter November 2021

THEME: Micro-credentials - from a user perspective

Learn about how users can apply micro-credentials through five different examples and some of the implications for educational institutions.

The figure visualises 5 examples of how an individual can make use of micro-credentials:

A realisation of example 4 will require that integration of micro-credentials in the specific programme has been considered in the overall timeframe of the programme. If this is not the case the student will have to add the micro-credential course to the already existing ECTS study time. Example 5 is used for instance in preparation for certain Master’s programmes at the Dutch university TU Delft. In addition to this, micro-credentials can be used to reach out to potentially future students. 


Danmarks Akkrediteringsinstitution (2021). Nye fleksible uddannelsesveje gennem hele livet - Europæiske og danske perspektiver på micro-credentials på videregående uddannelsesniveau. [Accessed 29 November 2021].

Editing was completed: 30.11.2021