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Other funds and programmes

SDU funding Apps 

SDU Funding Apps have been developed and setup by a dedicated team of research supporters and data scientists/web developers. The SDU Funding Apps focus on EU-funding. 

You can find the SDU Funding Apps here:

If you cannot find relevant calls on your own, you can ask for help by writing to Maéva Vignes or by joining SDU RIO research support team in one of our Helpdesk session (find out more about Helpdesk sessions here: 

SDU Funding Apps have recently been expanded to also cover funding sources outside EU. The Apps now couple to Research Professional data thus allowing keyword searches and automatic matching of SDU researchers to both Danish and international funds. 

See more under ‘Funding Opportunities Announcements (FOAs)’:

SDU RIO is continuously improving and developing the SDU Funding Apps further. We make a new release each month that often include new data and/or new features. Stay tuned by following us on LinkedIn. In our private LinkedIn group, we describe new features and give tips and tricks on how to use the SDU Funding Apps to ease your grant application process. 

How the apps work
The apps exploit open data from the EU and couple it with SDU researcher’s publications to allow each researcher at SDU to search by their own name and easily find the most relevant EU calls to finance their research.

The SDU Funding Apps also allow you to explore the database of EU funded projects and find the ones most similar to your research. The SDU Funding Apps have been developed to help you at each step of the grant application process, from finding the most relevant call, to building a strong consortium and finally to adjust your proposal to the profiles of reviewers who are likely to evaluate your proposal.

Last Updated 27.03.2023