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6th Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference

The 18.-19. of November 2021, PI Charlotte Harken, PhD student Kristian Skriver Andersen, and post doc Eva Harvald participated in the 6th Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference in Ålborg

The 18.-19. of November 2021, PI Charlotte Harken, PhD student Kristian Skriver Andersen, and post doc Eva Harvald participated in the 6thAnnual Danish Bioinformatics Conference in Ålborg. The conference guested great international speakers, including Professor Michael Snyder who discussed the potential of personalized medicine using smart watch data, Professor Matthias Mann who discussed his group’s most reasons advances within single cell proteomics among others, and Professor Mark Robinson who discussed some of the many bioinformatical approaches within single cell RNA sequencing data analysis. This was a great opportunity for us to learn about the most reason technical and bioinformatical advances and to present and discuss some of our own work.
Editing was completed: 18.11.2021