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Carbon dioxide capture by chemical absorption


Carbon dioxide capture by chemical absorption: steady-state and dynamic modelling

The growing of the World energy demand involves an inevitable increase of fossil fuels consumption and the consequent carbon dioxide emissions. Until the turnover to renewable energy sources is full achieved, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of possible mid-term strategies to limit the emissions of this greenhouse gas. Post-combustion capture by chemical absorption is the preferred technology applicable to existing power plants with minor retrofitting.

The process is composed by an absorber and a solvent regeneration unit. In the absorber, usually a packed tower, the gas rich in CO2 flows countercurrent respect to the solvent; the solvent reacts with the CO2 enhancing the removal from the gas phase. The rich solvent is then regenerated in a stripper. From a modelling point of view, it is necessary to take into account different coexisting phenomena like mass transfer between the phases, chemical reaction, diffusion, presence of electrolytes. For this reason, the model of this process represents an open issue in the literature and the system behavior is not yet totally clear.


Recent publication

“Model calibration for the carbon dioxide-amine absorption system” Massimiliano Errico, Claudio Madeddu, Daniele Pinna, Daniele Pinna, Roberto Baratti. Applied Energy (2016), 183, 958-968.

For more information please contact Associate Professor Massimiliano Errico



Last Updated 22.01.2018