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Award of PhD degree

This final recommendation should be based on both the preliminary recommendation and the oral defense.

The final recommendation generally aligns with the preliminary assessment but also assesses the quality of the oral defense. The evaluation typically spans around 1½ - 2½ pages and must bear the signatures of all Assessment Committee members.

The final recommendation should be sent through the department to the PhD School within two weeks after the public defense.

The PhD degree can be granted with a positive recommendation from a unanimous Assessment Committee or from a majority of its members.

If the final recommendation is positive, it is forwarded to the Academic Council. The Academic Council has a two-week period to raise any objections. If no objections are raised, the PhD School informs the author that they have been awarded the PhD degree.

However, if the Assessment Committee's recommendation is negative, the Dean may decide that the thesis should be assessed by a new committee, provided the author requests this within one week.

PhD diploma

The PhD School provides the PhD diploma in both Danish and English. The diploma specifies the field in which the PhD degree has been earned and includes the title of the PhD thesis. The diploma is signed by the Dean. Additionally, a summary in English detailing completed courses, knowledge dissemination hours, and any environmental changes will be appended to the diploma.

Please note that, as of January 2021, the PhD diploma is exclusively issued in digital format.

Documentation for completed parts of the PhD Programme

For PhD students who discontinue their studies without completing the PhD degree, they can request documentation in English for the portions of the PhD Program that they successfully completed. This documentation will be provided by the PhD School upon receiving a written request.

Last Updated 29.01.2024