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Underlying Principle of Education

The underlying principle of education at the University of Southern Denmark is Active Teaching & Learning.

Students, staff and management share the responsibility for implementing this principle throughout each programme.

Students together with teachers and fellow-students at SDU are part of a binding learning community characterized by mutual respect, openness and commitment.

Course design focuses on coherence between the different learning activities. Students show active involvement in class, in their independent studies and in collaborative work with other students.

Students commit to a full-time effort and continuously develop their ability to be independent and take responsibility for their own academic development. They are proactive, exploring and ready to learn.

Teachers at SDU are responsible for planning and implementing teaching and learning activities that support students’ active learning in and out of class and give students the possibility to take part in academic practice. Collaboration between teachers secures the coherence between different learning activities and progression in the education programmes.

Teachers experience managerial support for continuous professional development through pedagogical courses and professional networking.

The educational design reflects the high academic and professional level of the teachers and their constant focus on the learning objectives of each course and programme. Teachers support, guide and challenge students in a learning community characterized by mutual respect, openness and commitment.

Technical and administrative staff
At SDU technical and administrative staff together with teachers and management have a central role in creating a framework that supports active teaching and learning in and out of class.

Technical and administrative employees carry out their tasks in a collaboration with teachers and students that is characterised by mutual respect, openness and empathy.

Technical and administrative staff contributes to finding solutions that promote students’ active learning.

(Vice-chancellor, deans, pro-deans, heads of departments, and heads of studies)

Management is responsible for rendering visible and securing the fulfilment of the underlying principle of active teaching and learning at SDU.

With openness and respect for diversity management actively supports the organizational and educational framework necessary for the development and implementation of the principle in practice.

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Last Updated 04.03.2024