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Dialogical Teaching to strengthen unity and learning in the classroom

Independent Research Fund Denmark grants DKK 3 million for a project to teach future schoolteachers how to use inclusive dialogues as one of the ways to a safer school culture and more learning.

By Caroline Zoffmann Jessen, , 11/14/2023

Associate Professor Tina Høegh, Department of Media, Design and Educational Sciences, has received a grant of DKK 3 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark's thematic funds for learning and well-being in primary and lower secondary schools for the project "Inclusive Dialogue – InDi".

Many Danish children and young people experience feeling under great pressure at school. This pressure is associated with grades and achievement and can cause young people to lose motivation at school, suffer from school fatigue and ultimately choose not to move on to further education.

All students must be guaranteed a voice in the community

The negative impact of a performance-oriented school culture can be reduced by actively working to strengthen class communities and the students' sense of belonging. Dialogical teaching has the potential to strengthen unity in the classroom and to ensure that all students have a voice in the community. A voice that inspires to participation and taking responsibility for learning in class.

The project brings together teachers from all teacher training institutions in Denmark. Together, they will prepare research designs for new teaching programmes, which will then be adapted and tested by student teachers during their internships. Student teachers will be taught dialogue-based learning and will learn to facilitate inclusive conversations as well as create opportunities for joint studies during their internship.

The project is headed by Associate Professor Tina Høegh. Numerous partners from Danish teacher training institutions will also play a central role; Michael Peter Jensen and Jimmi Michelsen (UC Lillebælt), Marie Neergaard Hansen (UC Absalon), Eva Dam Christensen and Lene Illum Skov (UC Syd), Henrik Madsen and Line B. S. Jensen (UC Nord), Martin Blok Johansen and Lise Majgaard Mortensen (UC VIA), and Marie Dahl Rasmussen (UC Copenhagen). Anni Nielsen from the initiative Philosophy in School at SDU will be involved the project as well.


Meet the researcher

Associate Professor Tina Høegh is a researcher at The Department of Design, Media and Educational Science


Editing was completed: 14.11.2023