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The master’s degree programme in Clinical Biomechanics is the clinical part of the chiropractor programme at SDU. The programme places great emphasis on diagnostics, skills training, clinic internships and a scientific master’s thesis.

The courses are organised so that you are taught by specialists in all subjects. For example, the subject 'Neurology' is taught by a professor of neurology, while courses in the more clinically oriented subjects are taught by experienced chiropractors and/or medical specialists, many of whom are also active researchers.

Diagnostics and clinic

The master’s degree programme in Clinical Biomechanics (chiropractic) focuses on topics related to diagnostics, disorders of the extremities (arms and legs), interdisciplinary patient management, exercise theory and applied research training.

You will learn to apply your knowledge from the bachelor’s programme and the other subjects in the master’s programme in clinical situations, so that you will be able to make a diagnosis, prepare an interdisciplinary treatment plan and start a course of treatment.

The diagnostic subjects require that you have the ability to familiarise yourself with a vast amount of knowledge about a wide range of topics.

The new knowledge you learn is linked to the everyday life as a chiropractor in one of the Danish spine centres, where you will become part of an interdisciplinary team of treatment providers. Here you will meet patients with a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders, whom you must learn to receive, assess, treat and inform.

Reasons for studying...

  • SDU is the only university offering this Master’s programme in Scandinavia.
  • You will therefore have good job opportunities. There is currently no unemployment in this area in Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia.
  • The Master’s programme qualifies you to become a chiropractor.
  • You can choose to open your own clinic or work in the healthcare sector or conduct research.