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Building block wins entrepreneur final

A team of engineering students from the University of Southern Denmark are behind Denmark's most creative idea according to the jury at the Creative Business Cup.

PlayDXTR is the name of the magnetic building block which on Monday won the Creative Business Cup. PlayDXTR can communicate with a tablet and the four engineering students behind the invention call it 'the smartest ever building block from Denmark'.

'We're breaking the barrier between screen and reality in a natural and easily understandable way,' says Kenneth Madsen, one of the four engineering students from the Mads Clausen Institute in Sønderborg.

'When play and interaction are digitalised, through games and learning it becomes possible to cross between the real and the virtual world. When I do something on the screen it changes something in reality and vice versa,' he says.

When play is digitalised, data is created as a by-product which makes it possible to measure and follow a child's development.

Victory at the competition is accompanied by 25,000DKK and a lunch with Anette Nørgaard from Microsoft as well as a place at the international version of the Creative Business Cup where entrepreneurs from 55 countries compete for the best idea.

Creative Business Cup
The Creative Business Cup is organised by the Center for Cultural and Experience Economy (CKO) which is a public, independent agency established in 2008 by the Ministry of Culture in Denmark and the Danish Ministry of Business and Growth. CKO's mission is partly to promote awareness of how business can contribute to boosting growth and innovation through experience-based business development and partly to strengthen creative professionals' understanding of business through strategic partnerships with other industries.

For more information contact
Kenneth Madsen at  

Editing was completed: 02.07.2015