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Equity in health and in access to health care

Many health care systems, including the Danish system, build on the egalitarian view, which implies that health care should be financed according to the ability to pay, delivery of health care should be organised to allow everyone to enjoy the same access to care - and health care should be allocated on the basis of need. Although patients do not pay directly for the care they receive, there may still be barriers to consumption. We study whether barriers are present and for whom, where these barriers are present, and why these barriers arise. This theme is present in many of our studies, and overlaps considerably with all other themes.


Current projects:

  • Preferences for universal health care coverage: the mechanisms of altruistic preferences in a welfare state
  • Effects of disease management in primary care
  • Population health management for complex diabetes patients and patients suffering from multi morbidity (status: pre-project; writing research project proposal)
  • Inequity in access to health care amongst arthritis patients. A survey study
  • Physician quality and health outcomes of patients with chronic disease
  • Taking care of high-need patients in capitation-based payment schemes – an experimental investigation into the importance of market conditions
  • Tracing causes of inequality in health and wellbeing: Analysis of rich longitudinal data (Tromsø survey and SHARE data)
  • Assessing inequality in waiting times using Danish registry data

Last Updated 20.10.2023