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Department Seminar

Webinar: Everyday life in the Asylum system

In the presentation “Everyday life in the Asylum system: Inherent dilemmas, lived experiences and ways to navigate during a pandemic”, Karen Nielsen Breidahl from AAU will present her research on Asylum seeker’s experiences in their reception settings in Denmark and Sweden.

Karen Nielsen Breidahl from Aalborg University will present findings of her research project on asylum seekers’ experiences in their reception settings in Denmark and Sweden.

In her lecture, a specific focus will be on the COVID-19 pandemic and how asylum seekers and front-line staff at asylum centers navigated its challenges.

Join the webinar

The Webinar will be held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, from 10.00-11.00.

Join the department seminar via Zoom:

About the project

Across Western Europe, mass migrations have challenged the capacity of countries to manage the reception of migrants and ensure that those who stay will be prepared for life in their new host societies and become ‘good citizens.’ Existing research in whether and how migrants understand, share, and identify with the values and norms of the host society leaves a gap in knowledge about the sociocultural integration of asylum-seekers. This project challenges these and brings the theoretical perspectives of welfare state and street-level organizational theory to bear in investigating how the lived experience of asylum seekers in varying types of reception settings shapes their understanding of the society they are not yet part of - and ultimately affects subsequent socio-cultural integration trajectories. The project adopts a double comparative research design that enables comparisons across countries and across organizational types.

Learn more about the project via this link.

Editing was completed: 17.05.2021