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SENSUS – Network for Environmental Psychology – first PhD student at SDU

On 1st of June, Simon Høegmark from Svendborg’s museum Naturama will start as PhD student at the Department of Psychology with the project “Nature as treatment for men on long term sick leave”.

The PhD is funded by TrygFonden with 2.1. mio DKK. Professor Kaya Roessler will be the main supervisor and Professor Ulrika Stigsdotter (KU) and Associate Professor Tonny Elmose Andersen (SDU) the co-supervisors.

In 2017, the interdisciplinary research network in environmental psychology SENSUS was established in Denmark under the leadership of Professor Kaya Roessler, the Department of Psychology. The network is an innovative collaboration between SDU and Aalborg University bringing together psychologists, architects, philosophers, anthropologists and other groups focusing on well-being and with a specific interest in emotional and behavioural responses of humans to architecture, culture and nature.

SENSUS has three main research themes:

  1. Architecture and health;
  2. Nature and active living; and
  3. Space and cultural identity.
Editing was completed: 21.03.2018