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Kaj Sand Jensen and Sara Egemose

In the last 30 years about 50 new larger lakes are established in Denmark to improve the nature and decrease pollution of downstream lakes and estuaries. The new lakes have enriched the landscape and the recreative possibilities, but their water quality and biodiversity is almost unknown.

There the Aage V. Jensen Foundation has funded a research project with partners from University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark and Aarhus University. The aim is to investigate 30 new lakes in the 3 years project period.

The project will answer how to design and manage the new lakes and where in Denmark the chances of reaching a high biodiversity are highest. The project also give local citizens the possibility to get involved through ”Citizen science”, where it is possible to help with sampling (e.g. secchi depth) and/or through reporting of animal and plant species (please visit the homepage for more information). Another possibility for involvement is by uploading pictures and weight of Pikes caught in the lakes, so that we can follow the Pike growth.

With this project we will set focus on biodiversity in new lakes and study best practice for future establishment of lakes.





Provider: Aage V. Jensen Naturfond
Total amount of grant: 8.736.496,00
Period: 1/4 17 - 31/3 20

Link to homepage

Last Updated 09.08.2023