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The SDU Metaverse Lab and Unity Technologies to explore how we play games in world’s largest games research project

With the University of York, the SDU Metaverse Lab has initiated a strategic collaboration with the world’s premier game engine developer Unity Technologies. The collaboration is focused on research exploring gameplay across millions of games titles and forms the largest research project on games that has ever been attempted. Reliable data on global gameplay is hard to come by. This means that valuable insights are lacking which the games industry could use to provide games that are enjoyable experiences to a culturally and geographically diverse audience. Now Unity Technologies, developer of the world’s most widely used game engine with over 1.5 million creators, has begun an unprecedented collaboration with researchers from the University of York and partner universities. This initiative will allow independent researchers to shed light on our gaming lives, using datasets gathered from hundreds of countries and hundreds of millions of players, expanding the scale of game research by several orders of magnitude. The data are completely anonymized and their use by the research team is governed by strict ethical oversight.

URL: A trillion hours of play | Digital Creativity Labs

Editing was completed: 10.08.2022