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I want to be someone who creates enthusiasm

Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg became interested in research when he was writing his Bachelor project. Research has a reputation for being a lonely job, but it was the social and collaborative aspects Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg fell for

- During my Bachelor, I was part of a research group led by Professor of Computer Science Jan Baumbach. The cameraderie was amazing, and I quickly became crazy about spending time with people who are incredibly smart in their fields. We held presentations for each other, and at some point there was always one person who got incredibly enthusiastic about the results presented by another researcher. I think it was exactly in a moment like that when I decided I also wanted to be someone who sparks enthusiasm in a professor or researcher, says Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg.


Today, he is writing his PhD as part of Professor Richard Röttger's research group: The Computational Biology Group. Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg is following a so-called 4+4 programme, in which after concluding a Bachelor degree the student then studies a one-year master's. Then, instead of writing a master's thesis, the student starts a PhD.


- It wasn't difficult for me to get onto a PhD. Richard Röttger encouraged me to apply, and then I sent an application, says Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg.


The young researcher thinks that the PhD application procedure has gone well, even though it has also taken rather a long time:


- There are a lot of documents to fill in and send off, and the research I wanted to work with had to be described in great detail. I've also taken part in an introduction course for all PhD students at SDU who started at the same time as me. But I just see that part of the process as something to get out of the way before getting started on what I'm passionate about, says Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg.


The research group The Computational Biology Group researches in how sypmtoms of illness are categorised:


- Medicine doesn't always work in the same way on different people, even though they seem to have the same illness. Patients can have the same symptoms, but it's not certain that they are suffering from the same illness. In our research group, we work with dividing patients into new categories. We examine data, develop models and look at statistics. We work with what is called clustering, where data is grouped differently so that it makes sense in a new way. Ultimately, it could help us make sure that patients are prescribed with the medicine that is effective for precisely their illness, explains Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg.


In this research group, the social aspect is also a high priority:

- There's a really good community spirit in the group. Next weekend, we're all heading off to play laser tag, concludes Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg.

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