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Work Package 1

This work package will conduct four large clinical studies, two of which are randomised controlled trials. The studies will provide clinical data and tissue samples needed for phenotypical cohort characterisation and multi-omics analyses. Further, we will use the studies to investigate novel anti-fibrotic interventions and biomarker accuracy.The objectives of WP1 are:

  • To gather sample material and clinical data on well-phenotyped healthy controls and patients with the full spectrum of alcoholic liver fibrosis in an observational, prospective matter.
  • To investigate new anti-fibrotic treatments with Rifaximin and the food for special medical purposes (FSMP) Profermin in a randomised, controlled matter and concurrently to gather sample material and data before and after treatment.

Participating partners:

Work Package Leader

Dr. Maja Thiele

FLASH - Center for Liver Research

Last Updated 05.05.2022