The paradox of rural digital exclusion
The advent of digitalisation has created new opportunities for digital health and welfare services, but also carries a significant risk of exclusion for some citizens. In the REACT project, researchers are investigating how we can achieve more inclusion in digital solutions in rural areas. Read about the challenge in this op-ed.
SDU students want to help us adopt sustainable habits
Pernille Lydia Sørensen, who has a bachelor's degree from SDU, is behind the sharing economy app Monto. Here you can save money, bring out your inner child and rent a paddleboard and be good to the planet all at the same time.
Who will be losers in Europe's green transition?
Across Europe, coal mines are closing in the name of the green transition. Researchers now need to clarify what the transformation from coal to renewable energy means for the families and communities that have relied on mining as a livelihood for generations.
Cultural sociologists Mette and Emilie give voice to cultural creators
In the midst of the Corona closure, two cultural sociologists started the company Kurana. Because the pandemic highlighted something they wanted to help change: There is a lack of cultural knowledge. And it particularly affects those who create art and culture.
We put results into action for strategic village planning
In this note, researchers put the results of two publications into practice in relation to strategic village planning.
Annual Review 2022: A year of cooperation
Head of the Centre for Rural Research Egon Noe looks back on the 'year that passed'.
Life to the village: Here's inspiration on how to create a citizen-driven grocery store
Research shows that grocery stores have a number of positive effects on local communities. New inspirational catalogue offers advice to citizens thinking of starting a store.
New EU project against digital exclusion in rural areas
In the project, a range of partners will explore how volunteers can be part of the solution to tackling digital exclusion among older and digitally deprived people.
Help test education programme on culture for young people in rural areas
The EU project A "room" of their own (R YOUCULT) is about developing and designing an education programme for cultural workers in municipalities and cultural institutions in the EU.
Get inspiration for rural branding
A new inspiration catalogue provides inspiration for those working on rural branding.
Digital solutions can increase health inequalities for people in rural areas
Digital solutions aim to reduce health inequalities for those who live furthest from health services. But digital technologies could end up generating inequality instead, warns rural researcher.
Strategic rural planning will ensure viable villages in the future
As we move towards a future where energy is a high priority, municipalities need to think much more about the sectors together, says the author of this article.
New inspiration catalogue provides tools to develop sustainable tourism
A new inspiration catalogue from the Centre for Rural Research equips rural tourism stakeholders with locally adapted tools to develop tourism sustainably.
Eva Mærsk has been awarded her PhD for a highly relevant topic
On Friday 9 September, Eva Mærsk defended her PhD project and was awarded her PhD degree. Eva's research focuses on what makes young people move from, or stay in, their home town while pursuing higher education.
Invitation to PhD defence: What makes young people move from, or stay in, their hometown?
On Friday 9 September 2022, you can attend the PhD defence of Eva Mærsk. In her PhD project, Eva investigated young people's choices to move from - or stay in - their hometown while pursuing higher education. In this Q&A, she previews the results.
External committees and boards are a part of the job as a researcher
Professor Jes Søgaard is currently director of the research centre CPop. But he also sits on several advisory committees for public authorities. This is often part of life as a researcher. In the article, we also meet Klaus Petersen, who is working with Svendborg Museum on a new study for the National Board of Social Affairs, Nina Dietz Legind, who chairs the board of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, and Egon Noe, who works with ministries and parliamentary committees on rural research.
Research on relocation of government jobs presented in Brussels
A national rural conference focused on rural development. CLF research was on the programme.
We are looking for young people who want to help develop rural youth life
Are you aged 15-25, living in the countryside and interested in culture? And would you like to help make rural areas more attractive to young people by developing the cultural offer in the countryside? Then read on.
Like a winter without Christmas: new book investigates music festivals in a pandemic
In a new book, researchers explore how cultural and musical spaces were recreated in the Corona pandemic.
Culture is not just for big cities
In a new report, Pia Heike Johansen and Morten Frølund identify cultural consumption and cultural activities in three regions.
Do you want to apply for the Rural Development Pool for citizen-driven grocery stores? Here are a few tips.
The Rural Development Pool for the establishment and development of citizen-run grocery stores is now open. The Danish Centre for Rural Research has compiled some good advice for the application process.
Be part of creating the story of the 'future of the rural areas'
New summer school focuses on rural future.
Pia Heike Johansen is nominated for the SDG Award 2022
Workshop on the pool for citizen-driven grocery stores
Along with the Danish Housing and Planning Agency, we invite potential applicants to the Citizen-Driven Grocery Store Pool to a workshop.
EU project on youth culture in rural areas is off to a good start
Partners from Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands gathered in Esbjerg to kick-start major EU project
New inspiration catalogue on civic engagement and local innovation: 'If you come together, more things are possible'
New catalogue to inspire rural actors to seize opportunities and tackle challenges in developing local areas.
Three new books put spotlight on rural areas
What is quality of life in the countryside really about? And what does it mean to have a 'right to be rural'? In three book publications, CLF researchers explore key questions about rural life.
New employee to research how we create and sustain grocery stores in rural areas
On April 1st we welcomed postdoc Tobias Gandrup. He will be researching how community economies such as citizen-driven grocery stores can develop rural areas.
What Covid-19 has taught us about parental trust
It has now been two years since everyday life slowly returned after the first Corona shutdown. A new study shows that relationships with schools and teachers influenced parental trust and behaviour during Covid-19. It holds learning that can be valuable in the future.
Experts give their views on Corona's imprint on buildings, cities and communities of the future
A new collection of essays from Realdania gives ideas on where and how we can rethink the everyday framework with the experience gained from the pandemic. Pia Heike Johansen has contributed with an essay about rythm and resonance in the country.
Higher age and longer distances have increased the national health inequality
The citizens in the countryside is basically disadvantaged compared to citizens in the big cities because the consumption of healthcare decreases as the distance to a bigger city increases.
Rural researcher wins award for research article about tourist activities
The Spanish network of tourism researchers has awarded the prize for the best research article in the field of tourism in 2021 to our former Ph.D.-student and postdoc Barbora Gulisova.
New face: We welcome Maja Jensen
We welcome Maja Jensen who is a new research assistant.
Lokalsamfundsforeninger har stor betydning for udviklingen i de danske lokalområder
Lokalsamfundsforeninger som borgerforeninger og lokalråd er udbredte i Danmark, og et nyt studie viser, at foreningerne både bidrager med engagement, ideskabelse og ressourcegenerering i forhold til at udvikle de nære lokalsamfund.
Health inequalities challenge rural areas
The structural reform has left rural areas with major challenges in terms of health inequalities. However, we lack a comprehensive view of these challenges and solutions to create more equity in health for those living outside the major cities, writes Professor Egon Noe in this chronicle.
New project to develop a training program for cultural workers in rural areas
Når graviditetsappen overtager graviditeten
Tre SDU-studerende har undersøgt, hvordan gravide bruger graviditetsapps til at søge information om deres graviditet. Resultaterne viser, at intensiv brug af graviditetsapps kan lede til nye bekymringer og komme til at forme graviditetsoplevelsen for den gravide.
Videnskabelig assistent til forsknings- og uddannelsesprojekt om unges kulturliv i landdistrikterne
Vil du arbejde med unges kulturliv i landdistrikterne? Så har du nu muligheden.
Regionen spørger unge til råds om kultur på landet
Hvordan skal fremtidens kulturtilbud til unge uden for de store byer se ud? Det spørgsmål stiller Region Midtjylland sammen med Syddansk Universitet til unge i 13 af regionens kommuner.
Fortællingen om ’at flytte sig’ er vigtig for unges tilknytning til deres hjemegn
Unge konstruerer fortællinger om ’at flytte sig’ for at forklare og forsvare deres valg om at blive boende i, eller vende tilbage til, deres hjemegn, viser nyt studie.
At lægge puslespil med landsbymotiver
Kommunerne har i overført betydning skullet lægge et puslespil for, hvordan de vil udmønte det nye lovkrav om strategisk landsbyplanlægning. Og indførelsen af den strategiske landsbyplanlægning er en anledning til at blive skarpere på, hvilke motiver man ønsker skal præge puslespillet fremover, skriver landdistriktsforsker Annette Aagaard Thuesen i dette debatindlæg.
Kultur og entreprenørskab skal belønnes i landkommunerne
Attraktive kulturmiljøer til unge og længevarende støtte til entreprenante borgeres udviklingsprojekter er vigtige kommunalpolitiske temaer, hvis affolkningen skal bremses.
Esbjerg University Prize 2021: Barbora wins for her PhD on rural branding
PhD Barbora Gulisova is one of this year's recipients of the Esbjerg University Prize. The prestigious recognition was presented on Tuesday afternoon at AAU Esbjerg. Guest speaker was owner of Sports Connection Aps / Skechers Peter Jørgensen.
Bo Villumsen har fået tildelt sin ph.d.-grad
Invitation to PhD defence: Cross-sectoral collaborations between sports associations and the tourism sector
On Friday 15 October, you can attend the PhD defence for Bo Villumsen. In his PhD project, Bo has investigated the potentials and challenges that can arise in collaborations between sports organisations and tourism companies around outdoor activities. In this Q&A article, he gives a preview of the results.
"This is what I'm going to study!" Dana moved to Esbjerg for her dream study without knowing the city
Dana Hjorth Widenborg moved from Fyn to Esbjerg to study Cultural Sociology. This have given her a specialized and unique box of tools - and an exciting job as a development consultant.
Seminar: Outdoor life in the country
Join the seminar "Outdoor life in the country" and hear the results of a new study on how we get more people out in nature.
Welcome, Kasper Friis Bavnbaek
Vær med: Sammen skaber vi verdens første verdensmålspark
Hvordan kan vi arbejde med at gøre de 17 verdensmål nærværende i vores hverdag? Det er det centrale spørgsmål på verdensmålsdagen i Anneberg Kulturpark, hvor borgere, kunstnere, praktikere og forskere skal finde vejen sammen. 17 forskere på tværs af SDU giver deres input, og alle er velkomne.
Barbora Gulisova has been awarded her PhD degree
Congratulations to Barbora Gulisova, who has been awarded her PhD
Relocation is good news for the retention of new graduates, but the overall effect on employment is small
Although relocation of government jobs has been a hot topic for many years, there is not much knowledge about the impact of relocations on local labor markets. A new study shows some of the trends.
SDU-forsker om tabu: Det handler om at få nogle ord for det, der sker
Mange kvinder udtrykker, at de oplever ubehagelige og krænkende situationer, når de får foretaget gynækologiske undersøgelser. Det vil projektet God Gynækologisk Undersøgelse gøre noget ved.
Se vores nyheder fra før 2021
Sociologigruppen har fra april 2021 fået ny hjemmeside. Det er dog stadigvæk muligt at se vores nyheder fra før april 2021.
Join the vitual conference "Pandemic Societies"
Join the virtual conference “Pandemic Societies: A comparative perspective” by Dansk Sociologiforening and learn about the newest research in Covid-19.