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New employee Edris Pouresmaeil

Centre for Smart Energy Solutions has employed Edris Pouresmaeil as an associate professor from March 1st 2014.

 Edris comes from a position as Postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Universtity of Waterloo in Canada.

At the University of Waterloo Edris worked on the project Design of a Smart Residential Load Simulator (SRLS) for the Energy Management of Residential Loads.

The main objectives of this project is design of a Smart Residential Load Simulator which is based on mathematical optimization models of residential energy hubs which can be readily incorporated into automated decision making technologies in Smart Grids, and can be solved efficiently in a real-time frame to optimally control all major residential energy loads, storage and production components while properly considering the customer preferences and comfort level. Novel mathematical models for major household demand, i.e., fridge, freezer, dishwasher, washer and dryer, stove, water heater, hot tub, and pool pumps are used in program source of the proposed simulator. Also, mathematical models of other components of a residential energy system including lighting, heating, and air-conditioning are developed, and generic models for wind power generation, solar PV panels and energy storage/generation devices are proposed. The developed mathematical models result used in this simulator are based on optimization problems with the objective functions of minimizing energy consumption, total cost of electricity and gas, emissions, peak load, and/or any combination of these objectives, while considering end-user preferences.

Edris will continue his research at University of Southern Denmark.

Editing was completed: 13.02.2014