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Ajeetha Joseph Rajan

Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Phone: +45 65502447

Ajeetha Josephrajan obtained here bachelor’s degree in BTech Industrial Biotechnology from Anna University, India. She then moved to Los Angeles, US for her master’s degree at the University of Southern California (USC), Los in the lab of Dr. Bangyan Stiles. She studied the effect of caloric restriction and the metabolic aspect of disease progression in genetic models of liver steatosis and carcinoma.
Her PhD degree was from Dr. David Bernlohr’s lab, University of Minnesota, Minnepolis, US. Her primary focus during her PhD was identifying the protein machinery and the regulatory factors that drive the unconventional secretion of proteins from the adipose tissue into circulation. She is currently an ADIPOSIGN postdoc and interested in analyzing the role of plasma membrane proteins in modeling the disease etiology of obesity utilizing cell surface capture method and its subsequent detection by proteomics.
