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The choices you make along the way define your future opportunities

The master’s degree programme in Business, Language and Culture will offer you a lot of freedom of choice and the opportunity to shape the programme according to your interests: 

  • Do you want to study abroad?
  • How about a project-oriented course?
  • What do you want to learn in your assignments, projects and elective courses?
  • Do you want to work alone or with others?
  • What type of problem do you want to work on in your master’s thesis?

On mysdu you can find more about the elements and choices included in the master’s degree programme in Business, Language and Culture. When graduating in two years, not two graduates will have the same competences. This means that our graduates can handle many different tasks upon completing their master’s degree. Tasks that match the competences they have developed along the way. You have many options – and to a large extent the choices you make along the way will define your options.

Examples of what graduates have learned and what they do

Below you can read more about what our graduates often gain from their years at SDU and how they contribute in the world. The lists are not exhaustive – you will find lots of graduates who have used their master’s degree programme to learn other things and created a future that you could not possibly have imagined. 

This is one of the strengths of a degree in the humanities.

You learn

An education in Business, Language and Culture (Negot)  is a learning process, where you learn to:

  • master your chosen foreign language at a high level both in writing and speaking.
  • assess and select relevant scientific theories, methods and tools within business economics and the area of culture and communication in general.
  • convey research based knowledge and discuss professional and scientific questions with colleagues as well as non-specialists.
  • initiate and carry out professional and interdisciplinary cooperation and assume professional responsibility.

Perhaps you are now thinking that you are developing more skills and other exciting competences, which is very good because you’re the expert who can continue the "list" during your studies.

You contribute

Specifically, you can take up a position where you:

  • perform independent business functions - both in Denmark and abroad – that require specialist knowledge in Human Resource Management, International Relations, International Sales Management, Global Marketing Management, and International Communication Management.
  • draw up explanatory models for consumer behavior.
  • perform independent business functions both in Denmark and abroad in commercial enterprises, organisations and areas of the public sector.
  • enter projects relating to communication and marketing in private and public companies.
  • discuss the effects of national monetary and fiscal interventions on exchange rates and employment.