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Entry requirements

To apply for the Master's programme in Computer Science, you need a relevant Bachelor's degree and you must have a relevant occupation. You can apply if you hold a Bachelor's degree from:

  • Computer Science from the University of Southern Denmark, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen or Aalborg University

You can also apply if you hold a similar degree containing a minimum of 100 ECTS within computer science. The following subject areas must be covered:

  • Programming (at least 15 ECTS)
  • Algorithms, data structures and complexity (at least 15 ECTS)
  • Computer systems, including machine architecture and operating systems (at least 15 ECTS)
  • Mathematical auxiliary subjects, including discreet mathematics (at least 10 ECTS)
  • Databases (at least 5 ECTS)

Once you apply, the study board will assess whether your degree is qualifying. If your degree does not fulfil the entry requirements, the study board will decide whether you can follow one or more supplementary courses. Read more about supplements for a Master's degree programme.

Occupational requirements

You can meet the requirement of relevant employment in three different ways:

  • If you are an employee of a relevant public or private company with a minimum working week of 25 hours on average
  • If you are self-employed in your own relevant company with a minimum working week of 25 hours on average. Your company must have a revenue and relevant activities that generate earnings.
  • If you are an entrepreneur with your own relevant company with a minimum working week of 25 hours on average. Your company must either have a revenue and relevant activities that generate earnings, or be affiliated with a public or private entrepreneurial milieu. 

Read more about the employment demands.

Language requirements

The programme is taught in English. Therefore, you are required to submit proof of your proficiency in English as part of your application. See the English language requirements.

Selection criteria

There is a limited number of study places in the programme.

If there are more qualified applicants than study places, applicants without a legal claim are selected based on an interview.

The interview will be based on the applicant’s subject knowledge and relevant experience.

Relevant enclosures

It is important that you submit the following enclosures for evaluation:

  • Your graduate diploma, including a transcript of records.
  • If you have not yet passed your degree: Your newest official transcript of passed as well as registered courses. If you use the data exchange function in the application portal, please be aware that only passed courses are included in the generated file. Therefore, if you are registered for courses with specific relevance to the entry requirements, you have to upload a separate transcript of your course registration.
  • Proof of any supplementary courses you might have passed.
  • Proof of your English proficiency
  • Documentation for relevant occupation. Read more about how to document your occupation here.

Read more about the general requirements for submitted enclosures.