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Alumni from Innovation and Business met at Alsion

Alumni from Innovation and Business met again this year and visited Alsie Express as part of the event

For the third year in a row, the Mads Clausen Institute has hosted an alumni event for current and former Innovation and Business students at Alsion. 40 people participated in the event and enjoyed an inspiring afternoon with presentations and networking opportunities.

Company visit at Alsie Express
The chairman of the alumni committee Jonas Bargum had planned an interesting company visit to Alsie Express at Sønderborg Airport where the CEO Lone Holm presented the company followed by a tour including a visit to the control tower. The program continued afterwards on campus where Associate Professor Arne Bilberg on behalf of the Innovation and Design Engineering section presented news on the research and education side. Finally, everybody participated in a competition based on the visit to Alsie Express. The day ended with dinner at Café Alsion.

Innovation and Business is an engineering study program which combines creativity, technology, business know-how and entrepreneurship with physics, chemistry and mathematics. The overall objective of Innovation and Business is to enable graduates to create and realize ideas and new products, based on sound engineering knowledge and business understanding.

Editing was completed: 20.05.2016