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Ronnie N. Glud

Sediments are important sites for nutrient regeneration, primary production and mineralization and play an essential role for coastal ecosystem function. Most studies have, however, targeted “normal” conditions. We argue that extreme events like storms, storm surges and floods inducing sediment resuspension have important impacts that largely have been ignored when assessing coastal biogeochemical functioning. Sediment resuspension leads to the release of accumulated solutes, oxidation and re-deposition of material, but the implication remains largely overlooked. The knowledge gab is due to challenges associated to field investigations during rough conditions and the fact that effects cannot be assessed by traditional approaches or in the laboratory. By novel field technology integrated in small observatories, this cross-disciplinary project will – for the first time - non-invasively explore and quantify the importance of sediment resuspension for coastal biogeochemical function.


Provider: FNU
Total amount of grant: 2.197.440,00
Period: 1/1 18 – 31/12 19

Last Updated 09.08.2023