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  • 23.02.2016

    The democratic paradox in FIFA

    The election of a new president for one of the world’s most powerful sports organisations shows how corruption and democracy is a bittersweet cocktail.

  • 19.02.2016

    Biologists at SDU eagerly await the return of nature

    Researchers and students are monitoring the large rural area, Svanninge Bjerge on Funen and helping nature to return. This is leading to a high level of biodiversity

  • 11.02.2016

    Students invent talking rubbish bin

    Talking Bin is an interactive rubbish bin that will make for cleaner cities and happier garbage collectors. He has good people skills too.

  • 10.02.2016

    New subject has students career-ready

    SDU is the first university in Denmark to make career planning a subject offered in several education programmes. The initiative has proven a success

  • 10.02.2016

    The vinyl record re-enters a digital world

    Today we stream music on our smart phones and we are saturated by digital experiences. That is why vinyl records are becoming more popular, explains an Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU).