Within the field of electrical engineering, we offer two courses - below, you will find more information about each course.
Please check the individual course descriptions for possible prerequisites and remember to see at which campus it is offered.
Modelling and Simulation of Electrical and Electromechanical Dynamic Systems
Modeling of dynamic systems is an interesting area while it can be difficult to understand - especially if you want to control them. Control of dynamic systems is an engineering discipline that is required everywhere from wind turbines to robots and evermore so in our cars. The object of this course is to introduce the concept of dynamic system modeling with a focus on electrical and electromechanical systems, and to simulate these systems through the MatLAB and Simulink environment. You will develop mathematical models, design control loops and compile these to see your dynamic system come to life.
Course description | Offered in Odense | Offered by: SDU Electrical Engineering
Industrial Electronics Technologies - Machines, Control, Converters and EMC
In this course you will gain a theoretical understanding of industrial electronics technologies. There will be lectures in Electric Machines, Control, Power converters and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), and you will work with development of a simple power converter. Here you will develop and characterize an electronic circuit board, supporting the operation of an electro-mechanical system and learn to apply simulation results in practice. Main topics are: Electromagnetic Compatibility, Printed Circuit Board design, Control, Power Converters and Electric Machines.
Course description | Offered in Sønderborg | Offered by: CIE - Centre for Industrial Electronics