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Meet Louise

Louise Svenningsen - M.Sc. Sport and Event Management


What did you study in your Bachelors and Masters and when did you graduate?

My education started with an AP Degree in Logistics Management, and hereafter I did a top-up course for 1,5 years to earn a B.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration. I continued within Economics and Business Administration with a M.Sc. in Sports & Event Management, from which I graduated in June 2015.


Why did you choose to study the Master in Sport and Event Management?

Events have been my passion for several years, so when I discovered this specific Master I instantly knew which way I wanted to take my education. The theoretical background fitted perfectly with the practical experience with volunteer work within events. Furthermore this Master made room for a long internship, which gave me the opportunity to work for a music festival for six months.

Even though relevant experience is a big part of working with events, I can't put enough emphasis on the theories and tools you learn about in the program. It is the unique combination of theory and practice that makes it perfect.

How was your time studying here in Esbjerg?

Esbjerg is a fantastic city if you are willing to put yourself out there. Both the campus and the city may seem rather small, but if you look closer you will soon find a lot of interesting Places, as well as people to share it with. At the campus you will be remembered by name - also after your graduation. I would always choose this familiarity over a big campus!

I can only recommend to join some communities like the Beach Bar (the campus bar), Huset (the students' house) or a some union or club. If you do that the city will not let you down.


Where are you working now and how did you get there?

I am currently working as an event coordinator at Sport & Event Park Esbjerg, which I am really excited about. I got the job through alternative ways, as I was applying for a job in a whole other city, but they thought I might fit better at Sport & Event Park Esbjerg, so they send me that way with recommendations.

The point must be to keep your eyes open and not only go the obvious ways. One of the main reasons I was considered for this job at all was my combination of theory and experience. An education in events management is still quite rare, so when you can combine that with relevant experience you really stand strong.

Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics University of Southern Denmark

  • Degnevej 14
  • Esbjerg Ø - DK-6705
  • Phone: +45 6550 1000

Last Updated 13.02.2024