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Effect evaluation of health status and health care interventions

We study the effect of health care interventions ranging from new technologies, new organisational features to new payment schemes. For this purpose we conduct registry analyses and/or apply survey methods. We apply the most appropriate method of evaluation depending on whether we are dealing with a randomised controlled trial, a natural experiment or a laboratory experiment.  The objective is in any case to identify and understand reasons for a causal mechanism. The theme can be divided into effects of health status and effects of health care interventions.

Health care interventions

  • Global physician expenditure cap and inequality in access to care
  • Can the use of electronic health records in general practice reduce hospitalizations for diabetes patients? Evidence from a natural experiment
  • Impact of a GP disease management programme with feedback reports and peer comparisons on inequalities in ACSC admissions
  • Changes in referral options for GPs increase the rate of magnetic resonance imaging for low back pain patients – evidence from a natural experiment using Danish nationwide data
  • Changes in referral options for GPs and surgery rates for low back pain – evidence from a natural experiment using Danish nationwide data
  • Point-of-care testing of HbA1c in Type 2 diabetes care in general practice and the effect on hospital outpatient visits and inpatient admissions related to diabetes care. Evidence from a natural experiment in Danish general practice
  • The outcomes of introducing robot surgery. The case of hysterectomies
  • The cost and effects of colorectal cancer screening
  • Economic evaluation of three interventions in intensive care.
  • Economic evaluation of the Mind My Mind intervention (an intervention targeting children with mental illness) compared to treatment as usual
  • Evaluation of interventions (SHERPA and IPS) aiming to increase labour market participation for people with mental illness
  • Evaluation eHealthyHeart - a project which aims at improving mental health among patients with heart disease (using cognitive behavioural therapy via an e-health intervention)

Health status

  • Analysis of the association between school children's SDQ-total difficulties and impact scores and their individual health care costs, school performance and parents’ labour market situation
  • Health care consumption patterns pre- and post Alzheimer diagnosis
  • In sickness and health: Does acquired brain damage lead to divorce
  • Returning to work after acquired brain damage - the effect of pharmaceutical treatment

Last Updated 20.10.2023