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Students man new blue SDU Think Tank

The Blue SDU Think Tank project aims to build an interdisciplinary student, alumni, faculty and stakeholder network across SDU focusing on the maritime industry

The main task of the Blue SDU Think Tank is to host an annual challenge for students. The challenge will be put forward to students by faculty across maritime fields at SDU in conjunction with a company or institution engaged in the maritime industry, which presents students with a timely and complex problem facing the stakeholder. The students, in groups and with a dedicated time allotment, will generate creative and competitive solutions to the challenge. These solutions will be shared with the company/institution and then judged for quality and ability for implementation.

Blue SDU is an interdisciplinary research network unifying maritime and marine researchers at SDU.

Blue SDU consists of researchers from 9 different SDU departments across all 5 faculties. Our Mission is to perform interdisciplinary research, creating value and quality with relevance to society.

The project is supported by The Danish Maritime Fund.

Contact person at IME: professor Brooks Kaiser

Editing was completed: 24.06.2016