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New staff

We welcome Markus Nebel, Tammes Scheurer, Fernando Colchero, Kasper Grud Skat Madsen and Muhammad Jamal

Markus Nebel from The Technical University of Kaiserslautern is as of December 1, 2012 honorary professor of computer science at The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA), University of Southern Denmark.

PhD  student Tammes Scheurer started on December 1, 2012 with common supervision by Claus Michelsen and Jacob Salvig, Naturama.

Fernando Colchero is from January 1, 2013 assistant professor at IMADA. He is part of the Max-Planck Odense Centre.

Kasper Grud Skat Madsen started as PhD student January 15, 2013. He is supervised by Yongluan Zhou.

PhD student Muhammad Jamal is supervised by Christian Reidys. He began his employment on February 1, 2013.

Editing was completed: 08.02.2013