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 Anna Lund Jepsen

Anna Lund Jepsen

Udvalgte publikationer:


AL Jepsen What Motivates Project Stakeholders to Contribute? Project Stakeholder Management, 27-36.

P Eskerod, AL Jepsen (2016). Projektets interessenter. Analyse og samspil, DJØF Forlag.

P Eskerod, AL Jepsen (2014). What Does the Project Stakeholder Value?, Advances in Project Management: Narrated Journeys in Unchartered Territory, 115-118.

P Eskerod, AL Jepsen (2013). Project stakeholder managementRoutledge.

AL Jepsen, P Eskerod (2009). Stakeholder analysis in projects: Challenges in using current guidelines in the real world. International journal of project management 27 (4), 335-343.

AL Jepsen, P Eskerod (2008). Use of internal communication to market a project which nobody wants. Corporate and Marketing Communications as a Strategic Resource: Response to Contemporary use, Challenges and Criticism. Podnar, K. & Jancic, Z. (red.). Spon press, vol. 13,  100-101.

 Anna Schneider Kamp  

Anna Schneider-Kamp

Udvalgte publikationer:

Peer-reviewede artikler:

Schneider-Kamp, A. (2022). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Denmark and Russia: A qualitative typology at the nexus of agency and health capital. Social Science & Medicine, Qualitative Research in Health, 2: 100116.

Schneider-Kamp, A. & Askegaard, S. (2022). Reassembling the elderly consumption ensemble: Retaining independence trough Smart Assisted Living Technologies. Journal of Marketing Management, in press, Taylor & Francis.

Fersch, B. & Schneider-Kamp, A., & Breidahl, K. (2022). Anxiety and trust in times of health crisis: How parents navigated health risks during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark. Health, Risk & Society, 24(1-2):35–53, Taylor & Francis.

Schneider-Kamp, A., & Fersch, B. (2021). Detached co-involvement in interactional care: Transcending temporality and spatiality through mHealth in a social psychiatry out-patient setting. Social Science & Medicine, 285: 114297, Elsevier.

Schneider-Kamp, A., & Askegaard, S. (2021). Do you care or do I have a choice? Expert authority and consumer autonomy in medicine consumption. Consumption Markets and Culture 24(5): 419–438, Taylor & Francis.

Schneider-Kamp, A. (2021). Health Capital: Toward a conceptual framework for understanding the construction of individual health. Social Theory & Health, 19(3): 205– 219, Palgrave Macmillan.

Schneider-Kamp, A. (2021). The potential of AI in care optimization: Insights from the user-driven co-development of a care integration system. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 58: 1–11, SAGE.

Sejr, J. & Schneider-Kamp, A. (2021). Explainable Outlier Detection: What, For Whom and Why? Machine Learning with Applications, 6: 100172, Elsevier.

Schneider-Kamp, A., Nielsen, H.L., Isaksen, J., Geyer, K., Lindell, J.F., & Sodemann,

M. (2021). Patientology revisited (DA: Patientologien nyfortolket). Kultur & Klasse, 49(131): 131-154, The National Library of Denmark.

Schneider-Kamp, A., & Askegaard, S. (2020). Putting Patients into the Centre: Patient Empowerment in Everyday Health Practices. Health, 24(6): 625–645, SAGE



Schneider-Kamp, A., & Askegaard, S. (forthcoming). Conceptualizing Health Consumption through Health Capital. In: Gorge, H. (ed.) Health, Consumption and Markets, Editions EMS. In press.

Gorge, H., Press, M., Dunnett, S., Hamilton, K., Schneider-Kamp, A., & Askegaard, S. (2020). Exploring the construction of the consumer subject in the healthcare system. In: Patsiaouras, G., Fitchett, J., & Early, A.J. (eds.) Research in consumer culture theory, Bind 3.

Schneider-Kamp, A., & Kristensen, D. B. (2019). Redistribution of Medical Responsibility in the Network of the Hyper-Connected Self. In: Otrel-Cass, K. (ed.) Hyperconnectivity and Digital Reality Towards the Eutopia of Being Human, pp. 83–102, Springer, Heidelberg.


Ikke peer-reviewede artikler:

Schneider-Kamp, A., (2021). Doctors no longer have a patent on health. Danish Medical Journal, published electronically 22 January 2020.

Schneider-Kamp, A. (2020). Towards understanding the “How” and “Why”: A call to arms for the study of the socio-cultural dimensions of COVID-19. British Medical Journal, published electronically 16 March 2020.

Schneider-Kamp, A. (2017). General practitioner permanently associated to nursing home: A qualitative investigation of staff and user perspectives. Danish Medical Journal, published electronically 27 January 2017.

Dahl-Larsen, R., & Schneider-Kamp, A. (2017). Permanently associated general practitioner: It is about safety), Danish Medical Journal, published electronically 27 January 2017.



Schneider-Kamp, A., & Askegaard, S. (2019) Practice-based Service Encounters. Final summary report of the VIND project HumanFIT (Human-Friendly IT), University of Southern Denmark.

Schneider-Kamp, A., & Askegaard, S. (2019) User Expectations and Experiences. Final summary report of the VIND project GODT(Geriatrisk OmsorgsData p˚aTværs), University of Southern Denmark.

 Dorthe Brogård Kristensen  

Dorthe Brogård Kristensen

Udvalgte publikationer:


Bode & Dorthe Brogård Kristensen (2021 in press). From techno-utopianism to personal panopticon and beyond. A call for a revised self- tracking research agenda. Handbook digital consumption, ed by Russell Belk.

Kristensen, Dorthe Brogård & Minna Ruckenstein (2018) Co-evolving with technologies. New Media and Society.

Kristensen, Dorthe Brogård & Carolin Prigge (2018)  “Human/ technology associations in selftracking practices. Btihaj Ajana (ed.) “Self-tracking cultures Palgrave Pivot, pp. 43-61.

Christiansen, T. B., Kristensen, D. B., & Larsen, J. E. (2018) The 1-Person Laboratory of the Quantified Self Community. In Metric Culture: Ontologies of Self-Tracking Practices (pp. 97-115). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Kristensen, Dorthe Brogård & Charlotte Jacobsen (2017) “Perception and translation of numbers: The case of a health campaign in Denmark” Critical Public Health: 1-12.

Kristensen, Dorthe Brogård, Ming Lim & Søren Askegaard (2016) “Healthism in Denmark: State, Market and the Search for a Moral Compass”. Health:

Kristensen, Dorthe Brogård, Søren Askegaard, Lene Hauge Jeppesen (2013) ”If it Feels Good it Must Be Right: Embodiment Strategies for Healthy Eating”, Journal of Consumer Behavior. vol 12 (4). 243-252.

Kristensen, Dorthe Brogård, Heidi Boye & Søren Askegaard (2011) “Leaving the Milky Way! The Formation of a Consumer Counter Mythology”. Journal of  Consumer Culture, 11 (2), 195-214.

Chrysochou, Polymeros, Søren Askegaard, Klaus Grunert & Dorthe Brogård Kristensen (2010)Social Discourses of healthy Eating: A Market Segment  Approach,  Appetite. vol. 55 (2), 288-297.

Bode, Mathias & Dorthe Brogård Kristensen (2016) The digital doppelgänger within. A study on self-tracking and the quantified self-movement. In: Domen Bajde & Robin Canniford. Assembling Consumption. Oxford/ New York: Routledge.

 Elena Shulzhenko

Elena Schulzhenko

Udvalgte publikationer:


Shulzhenko, E. and J. Holmgren 2020. Gains from resistance: rejection of a new digital technology in a healthcare sector workplace. // New technology, Work, and Employment, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pp. 276-296.

Shulzhenko, E. 2017. Four causes of employee resistance to digital technology: lessons from a study of Danish nurses. HR-chefen, Danish magazine for HR managers, Issue 5, pp. 12-17

Shulzhenko, E. and Obel, B. 2015. Incentive systems and Process Thinking in the Hospital: a Study of the Acute Orthopaedic Surgical Care Pathway in a Danish University Hospital. Research report submitted to the hospital.

 Marianne Harbo Frederiksen  

Marianne Harbo Frederiksen

Udvalgte publikationer:


Mikkelsen, M.L.N., Frederiksen, M.H., Marcussen, N., Williams, B. & Kidholm, K. (2022). Prior to Implementation of Digital Pathology – Assessment of Expectations among Staff by Means of Normalization Process Theory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19: 7253.

Wolf, P., Frederiksen, M.H., Wilhøft, A., Cormican, K., Kunz, C., Cakir, Ö., Sarsar, F., Ulus, H.E. & van Leeuwen, M. (2022). Higher education engineering educator’s perspectives on challenges and upskilling needs in teaching creativity online. Proceedings of the 23rd Continuous Innovation Network Conference: 650-660.

Frederiksen, M.H. (2022). Hybridt arbejdsdesign uden hybris. Boganmeldelse i JP Erhverv, 17. september: 22.

Frederiksen, M.H. (2022). Teknologi får en hovedrolle i spillet om en bæredygtig fremtid. Boganmeldelse i JP Erhverv, 19. februar: 20.

Frederiksen, M.H. (2021). Ud over digitaliserings-stepperne. Boganmeldelse i JP Erhverv, 13. marts: 18.

Frederiksen, M.H., Wolf, P., Klotz., U. & Knudsen, M.P. (2020). A look into the long-term future use of drones. Proceedings of the 21st Continuous Innovation Network Conference: 256-266.

Frederiksen, M.H., Pedersen., J.T. & Knudsen, M.P. (2020). Drones for public safety and emergency response operations: Actual and planned use. Centre for Integrative Innovation Management, SDU.

 Kathrine Rayce  

Kathrine Rayce

Udvalgte publikationer:


Peer reviewed artikler:


Kidholm, K., Svendsen, I. W., Yderstræde, K., Ølholm, A. M., Rayce, K., & Kjølhede, T. (2021). The hospital telemedicine TELEMED database: Providing information on evidence-based telemedicine services to hospital managers and healthcare professionals. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare27(5), 280-287.


Rayce, K., et al. (2021). "Transformations of practice in online exercise training for patients with COPD led by physiotherapists – a qualitative study." Disability and Rehabilitation: 1-10.


Rayce, K. (2020). Telemedieret hjemmetræning til patienter med meget svær kronisk obstruktiv lungelidelse (KOL): Gensidig konstituering af teknologi, daglig livsførelse og professionel praksis. Odense, Syddansk Universitet.


Rayce, K., et al. (2020)"Telemediated Training in the Home as a Part of the Everyday Life and Practice With Very Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease." Qualitative Health Research 0(0): 1049732320938165.


Rosenbek Minet, L., et al. (2015). "Early telemedicine training and counselling after hospitalization in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a feasibility study." BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 15: 3.


Rayce, K. (2022) Evaluation of CalPro Home Test for Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Rayce, K., et al. (2020) Telemedical Hospice. Evaluation of Project Phase I.

Rayce, K., et al. (2020) Evaluation of “PRO on the Patient’s Premises”.

Rayce, K., et al. (2020) Evaluation of ”Treatment on the Patient’s Premises – Next Practice Use of Cross Sectoral Video Consultations”


Ikke peer-reviewed artikler

Rayce, K. and K. Bruun-Jensen (2008). "Børn med diabetes lades alene i skolerne”

Behandlerbladet (27): 22-25.


Rayce, K. (2007). "På pumperne" diabetes 2: 13.


Rayce, K. (2007). "Nye anbefalinger for brug af insulinpumper" diabetes 2: 17.


Rayce, K. & Bagger, M., (2007) ”Danmark er på pumperne” Behandlerbladet

 Søren Askegaard

Søren Askegaard

Udvalgte publikationer:


Anna Schneider-Kamp & Søren Askegaard (2022), “Conceptualizing Health Consumption through Health Capital”, H. Gorge, ed. Health, Consumption and Markets, ESM

Konstantinos Lianidis & Søren Askegaard (2022), “Heideggerian Health: Technology, Self and Posthumanism”, book chapter for H. Gorge, ed. Health, Consumption and Markets, ESM

Anna Schneider-Kamp & Søren Askegaard (2022), “Reassembling the Elderly Consumption Ensemble: Retaining Independency through Smart Assisted Living Technologies”, Journal of Marketing Management

Ksenia Silchenko & Søren Askegaard (2021), “Powered by Healthism? Marketing Discourses on Food and Health”, European Journal of Marketing, 55 (1), 133-161.

Anna Schneider-Kamp & Søren Askegaard (2021), „Do You Care or Do I Have a Choice? Expert Authority and Consumer Autonomy in Medicine Consumption”, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 24 (5), 419-438.

Ksenia Silchenko & Søren Askegaard (2021), “Moralities of Food and Health Research Revisited: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Management, 36 (9/10), 794-829. Søren Askegaard, “Health and Food” (2021), in A. Bradshaw & J. Hietanen, eds., The Dictionary of Corona Virus Culture, London: Repeater Books, 97-102.

Ksenia Silchenko, Søren Askegaard & Elena Cedrola (2020), “Three Decades of Health and Food Research in Marketing: A Systematic Review”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54 (2), 541-580.

Anna Schneider-Kamp & Søren Askegaard (2020), “Putting Patients into the Centre: Patient Empowerment in Everyday Health Practices”, Health, 24 (6), 625-645.

Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Charlotte Bredahl Jacobsen & Søren Askegaard (2019), ”Mad som frelse”, in S. Glasdam & H.B. Boelsbjerg, eds., Folkesundhed – bag om intentioner og strategier, Copenhagen: Gads Forlag, 305-315.

Søren Askegaard, Chris Dubelaar, Nathalia Zlatevska & Stephen Holden (2017), “Food Portions and Marketing - Editorial”, Journal of Business Research, 75 (June), 72-75.

Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Ming Lim & Søren Askegaard (2016), “Healthism in Denmark: State, Market and the Search for a Moral Compass”, Health, 20 (5), 485-504

Søren Askegaard, Nailya Ordabayeva, Pierre Chandon, Tracy Cheung, Zuzana Chytkova, Yann Cornil, Canan Corus, Julie A. Edell, Daniele Mathras, Astrid F. Junghans, Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Ilona Mikkonen, Elisabeth G. Miller, Nada Sayarh & Carolina Werle (2014), “Moralities of Food and Health Research”, Journal of Marketing Management, 30, (17/18), 1800–1832.

Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Søren Askegaard & Lene Hauge Jeppesen (2013),”’If It Feels Good It Must Be Right’: Embodiment Strategies for Healthy Eating and Risk Management”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(2), 243-52.

Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Heidi Boye & Søren Askegaard (2011), “Leaving the Milky Way: The Formation of a Consumer Counter Mythology”, Journal of Consumer Culture, vol. 11 (2), 195-214.

Polymeros Chrysochou, Søren Askegaard, Klaus G. Grunert & Dorthe Brogård Kristensen (2010), “Social Discourses of Healthy Eating: A Market Segmentation Approach”, Appetite, vol. 55 (2), 288-297.

Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Søren Askegaard, Lene Hauge Jeppesen & Thomas Boysen Anker (2010), “Promoting Health, Producing Moralisms?”, in M.C. Campbell, J. Inman, & R. Pieters, eds., Advances in Consumer Research, vol. XXXVII, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 359-367.



Sidst opdateret: 27.11.2023