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Foredrag og formidling

Kaare Christensen:



Fra støv til Stones: Udviklingen i ældres helbred gennem 150 år.
Forskningens Døgn 2018; SDU; 21. april 2018.

Længere levetid og udviklingen af ældres helbred gennem 150 år.
Pensionskassen for Jordbrugsakademikere & Dyrlæger; 9. april 2018.

Hvornår er man (for) gammel? / Og hvad så med mændene?
Seniorseminar for CERDO's medarbejdere; 13. marts 2018.

Den kommende generation af lædre - er grænsen nået?
Årsmøde i Dansk Selskab for Geriatri; 10. marts 2018.

Estilos de vida y longevidad.
Life styles and longevity.
Longevity and behaviour: Do behavioural factors intervene in longevity? Academia de Pisología de Espana; 1. marts 2018.

Hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Thomas Kingo Kirke, Odense; 18. januar 2018.

The aging society: Are we doing well? Are we doing good?
Keio Longevity Initiative Symposium, Keio University, Japan; 14. januar 2018.

Is Mortality Written on the Face? - or Elsewhere
Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing; 11. januar 2018.


Fra støv til Stones - udviklingen i ældres helbred gennem 150 år.
Folkeuniversitetet i Kolding; 7. december 2017.

Trends of Cognition and Mental Health among the Oldest-old in Denmark: A Study of the 1895,1905 and 1915 Cohorts.
International Forum of  "Interdisciplinary & Frontier Research on Healthy Ageing", Peking, Kina; 10. november 2017.

Mænd: Godt helbred og stor dødelighed.
25th Aniversary of the Centre of Maritime Helath and Society (CMSS); 8. november 2017.

Gode relationer, godt netværk - hvad kan mænd og kvinder lære af hinanden.
Ældredag i Lokalområdet Vanløse Brønshøj, Husum; 5. oktober 2017.

Demografiske megatrends.
ATP medarbejderseminar; 4. oktober 2017.

Hvornår er man (for) gammel?
ALK - Seniorseminar for de livserfarne; 2. oktober 2017.

Livet i forandring - hvornår er man (for) gammel?
60+ Kursus, FMC/Cheminova; 19. september 2017.

Perceived age as a biomarker of ageing.
Conference: 'New Views On Aging' - Let´s challenge our views on aging.
Keynote speaker: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, Frankrig; 15. september 2017

Diabetes og aldring.
Endokrinologisk afdeling på Skejby Sygehus (arr. Novo Nordisk); 16. august 2017

Længere levetid betyder længere arbejdsliv, men hvordan?
Deltager i debatmøde afholdt af PFA Pension.
Folkemødet på Bornholm, d. 17. juni 2017. 

Investorernes topmøde: Hvad betyder det, vi lever længere?
Deltager i ekspertpanel afholdt af PensionDanmark og Danske Bank.
Folkemødet på Bornholm, d. 16. juni 2017. 

Det aldrende samfund.
Altinget, d. 15. maj 2017.

Hvad er aldring?
Københavns Kommunes Sundheds- og Omsorgsforvaltning, København; d. 17. januar 2017.

Fra støv til Stones – udviklingen i ældres helbred gennem 150 år.
Folkeuniversitetet, AOF Skive; 7. februar 2017.




Hvornår er man for gammel?
Kursusoplæg v/
PFA Pension, København; 13. januar 2016.

It’s all in the registries.
Seminar v/ Kardiologisk Forskningsenhed, Odense Universitetshospital, Hindsgavl, Middelfart; 15. januar 2016.

The aging society: Are we doing well? Are we doing good?
Intensiv Symposium Hindsgavl, Middelfart; 29. januar 2016.

Betydningen af fysisk og kognitiv formåen i en aldrende befolkning.
Center for Healthy Aging, University of Copenhagen; 3. februar 2016.


Short talk about the Danish Twin Registry at the opening symposium on precision medicine in the Region of Southern Denmark.
Arranged by Center for Precision Medicine in Complex and Rare Diseases, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, March 1, 2016.


Livet i forandring – hvornår er man (for) gammel?
ecture at a course for 55+ year olds, arranged by Siemens Wind Power, Aalborg, Dennmark, March 15, 2016.


De ældste patienter – hvad har vi gang i?
ecture for the Department of Medicine at Nykøbing Falster Hospital, Vordingborg, Denmark, March 17, 2016.


Mortality is written on the face: perceived age as a clinically useful biomarker of aging.
Lecture (Special Lecture 1) at the 59th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Fukuoka, Japan, April 13-15, 2016.


Hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Masterclass lecture at Forskningens Døgn, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, April 30, 2016.


Livet i forandring – hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Lecture at a course arranged by Man-Diesel, Copenhagen, Dennmark, May 10, 2016.


De ældste borgere – hvordan har de det?
Lecture at the conference “Demensdagene – et sundt liv for alle” [Dementia days – a healthy life for us all] (chairman of the meeting), Copenhagen, Denmark, May 19, 2016.


The aging population – epidemiological implications.
Lecture at a birthday seminar for professors Jørn Olsen  and Johannes Ipsen, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, May 20, 2016.


The aging society: Are we doing well? Are we doing good?
Opening Lecture at the Nordic Congress in Clinical Biochemistry, Odense, Denmark, June 14, 2016.


Aging and neurodegeneration in the oldest-old.
Lecture at the Benzon Symposium No. 62 on Genome Instability and Neurodegeneration, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22, 2016.


The aging society: Are we doing well? Are we doing good?
Lecture at the Mailman School of Public Health, The Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center, NY, USA, August 15, 2016.


Det gode liv + 60. Hvad skal der til for at blive 100 år?
Lecture at the People’s University in Holstebro, Denmark, September 9, 2016.


Hvornår er man (for) gammel? Og hvad er det så med mændene?
Two lectures at a senior seminar for the employees at the Danish company Glud & Marstrand, Denmark, September 20, 2016.


Ældre og gamle – forskelle og muligheder.
Lecture at the conference ”Ældre – plads til forskellighed” [Elderly – room for diversity], arranged by Kommunernes Landsforening [Local Government Denmark], Kolding, Denmark, September 26, 2016.


Kroppens forfald.
Lecture at the conference evening SLOW (a conference on degeneration and decay), Glyptoteket, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 6, 2016.


Cancer and longevity – is there a trade-off?
Lecture  at the Danish Cancer Society Symposium 2016 titled: “Cancer in the elderly - from basic research via translational research to clinical practice”, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 7, 2016.


”Skarpe hjørner og runde dage”
Presentation of the newly published book about getting older.
The Book Fair 2016, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 12, 2016.


De ældste patienter – flere og vanskeligere?
Lecture at the conference “Lægedage 2016”, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 14, 2016.




Hvad skal der til for at blive 100 år?
Lecture in connection with the New Year’s reception at Landbrug & Fødevarer, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 15, 2015.


Den aldrende hjerne.
Lundbeckfond Lectures at Medicinsk Museion, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 22, 2015.


Den ældre befolkning – hvad med den?
Lecture at a team meeting in “Assens Ældreråd” [Senior Citizens Council of Assens], Assens, Denmark, January 29, 2015.


The male-female health survival paradox in Utah and Denmark.
Lecture in connection with the MaxNetAging Conference “Male-female differences in aging”, arranged by Max Planck International/Research Network on Aging, Leipzig, Germany, February 17, 2015.


De ældste patienter – hvad har vi gang i?
Lecture at the AstraZeneca Gerontological Education Day in the Region of Southern Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark, February 23, 2015.


Den aldrende hjerne.
Lundbeckfond Lectures, Aarhus, Denmark, February 23, 2015.


De ældste patienter – hvad har vi gang i?
Lecture at the AstraZeneca Geronto-day “The grandparents in you consultation”, in the Region of Southern Denmark, Middelfart, Denmark, March 20, 2015.


Men  - good health and high mortality.
Lecture at the Research Seminar 2015 at the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Lyngby, Denmark, March 23, 2015. 


Livet i forandring – hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Lecture at a course for senior citizens “Seniorkursus – 55+ og hva’ så?” arranged by Teknisk Landsforbund, Comwell Bella Sky, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 17, 2015.


Den aldrende hjerne.
Lundbeckfond Lectures, Medicinsk Museion, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 20, 2015.


Cognition among the oldest old - development and determinants.
Lecture at the DSMOME (Danish Association for Molecular Medicine) Seminar on Brain Aging, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 4, 2015.


Kroppens udvikling og aldring.
Lecture at Folkeuniversitetet, Odense, Denmark, April 29, 2015.


Sundhed og sygdom i fremtidens tiltagende ældre befolkning.
Lecture at the Department Conference on public health challenges, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 7, 2015.


De ældste patienter – hvad har vi gang i?
Lecture at the Audit Project Odense (APO), Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, June 3, 2015.


The aging society: Are we doing well? Are we doing good?
Key note lecture at the 13th International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors/Symposium Session 3: Alcohol Dependence and Elderly (June 3), Odense, Denmark, 31 May-4 June, 2015.


Livet i forandring – hvornår er man (for) gammel.
Course for people aged 55+ years, arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension” and Siemens, Brande, Denmark, June 11, 2015.


De ældste patienter – hvad har vi gang i?
Lecture in connection with the Audit Project Odense (APO), arranged by the Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark, held at Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 12, 2015.


Mænd, godt helbred, høj dødelighed.
Lecture at the clinical summerschool for student nurses, Sygehus Lillebælt, Kolding, Denmark, August 18, 2015.


Livet i forandring – hvornår er man (for) gammel.
Course for people aged 50+ years, arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension”, Vejle, Denmark, August 25, 2015.


Bedsteforældrene i din klinik.
Lecture at a course for health personnel arranged by AstraZeneca, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 4, 2015.


Trivsel i senkarrieren og på vej mod pensionistlivet.
Lecture at the course “55+ and now what?”, arranged by the trade union Teknisk Landsforbund, Aarhus, Denmark, September 15, 2015.


Aldring – hvad er det egentlig?
ecture at a user meeting in Dansk Institut for Ekstern Kvalitetssikring for Laboratorier i Sundhedssektoren (DEKS), Kolding, Denmark, September 16, 2015.


Longevity for future Europeans – genes and lifestyle.
Keynote lecture at the 2015 EUGMS (European Union Geriatric Medicine Society) Congress “Breaking the Ice”, September 16-18, Oslo, Norway, September 18, 2015.


Livet i forandring – hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Lecture at the course “TDC 57+”   for senior citizens arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension”, Vejle, Denmark, September 18, 2015.


Healthy ageing.
Lecture at the 4th Nordic University Research Course: Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular (CV) Disease from Genes, Fetal Programming and Microbiota through Hypertension and T2D to Organ Damage and CV Disease, Steno Diabetes Lab, Gentofte, Denmark, October 1, 2015.


The aging society: Are we doing well? Are we doing good?
Lecture at the Office of Population Research/Notestein Seminar Series, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, October 6, 2015.


It ain’t necessarily so – twin studies challenging DOHaD (the Development Origins of Health and Disease).
Lecture at the IDEAL Ageing Congress entitled “Connection Development and Late Life Health – Epigenetics mechanisms and beyond”, Leiden, The Netherlands, October 12-14, 2015.


Registerdata gavner både forskning og borgere.
Lecture at a meeting in Det Medicinske Selskab in Copenhagen, Domus Medica, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 23, 2015.


Den demografiske udvikling og multisygdom – hvad betyder det for arbejdet i almen praksis?
Lecture at the conference “Doctors’ Days 2015” arranged by the Danish General Practioners’ Organisation and Society for General Practice, Copenhagen, November 10, 2015.


The Danish Twin Registry – 60 years of data collection and data sharing.
Lecture at the meeting “Open Science – Open Data?” - a FOSTER/CESSDA research data management training event, held at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, November 25, 2015.


Hvor påvirkelig er den biologiske aldring?
Lecture at the DGI [The Danish Gymnastics and Sports Societies] conference on the senior citizen of today, Nørresundby, Denmark, November 26, 2015.


Længere og længere liv – kan det blive ved med at gå godt? 
 Lecture at the Christmas meeting about healthy aging in the “Jakobinerklubben”, held in Domus Medica, Copenhagen, December 3, 2015.


Health and survival among the oldest-old. 
The Male-female health survival Paradox.

Two lectures at the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD), Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, December 10-11, 2015.




Den voksende befolkning af ældre og meget gamle – hvad kan de og vi forvente?
Lecture in connection with at meeting of the board of directors in the Danish pension fund Sampension, Hellerup, Denmark, January 23, 2014.


Hvornår er man (for) gammel?
ecture at a course at Siemens for people aged 50+ years, arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension”, Brande, Denmark, January 28, 2014.


Hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Lecture at AOF (Evening School), Skive, February 4, 2014.


Hvad gør vi ved de mange meget gamle? Er velfærdsteknologi en løsning?
Lecture at the Symposium on Welfare in Danmark, arranged by Carlsbergfondet, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 17, 2014.


Physical and cognitive functioning among the growing population of the oldest-old: A failure of success or a success of success?
Lecture at the seminar “Moving old age – the role of exercise, physical activity and sedentariness for active and healthy ageing”, arranged by Healthy Ageing Network of Competence and Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, March 26, 2014.


Trivsel hele livet – hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Lecture at “Seniorkursus DLG” arranged by DLG and the Danish pension fund PFA Pension, Odense, Denmark, April 1, 2014.


Behandling af de ældste – hvad har vi gang i?
Meeting for doctors and nurses, arranged by Boehringer Ingelheim, Gentofte, Denmark, April 8, 2014.


Livet i forandring – hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Course for people aged 50+ years, arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension”, Vejle, Denmark, April 8, 2014.


Fysisk aktivitet og mental aldring.
Theme meeting about physical activity and aging, arranged by the County of Faaborg-Midtfyn, Gislev, Denmark, April 9, 2014.


Vi lever længere – men hvad gør det ved os? Hjælp forskerne med at finde svaret.
Lecture at Skt. Knud’s Gymnasium, Odense, Denmark, April 25, 2014.


Why do girls live longer than boys?
Keynote lecture at the International Student Research Forum Conference (ISRF) 2014, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, June 2, 2014.


The Oldest-Old: Are we doing well? Are we doing good?
Keynote lecture at the International Alliance of Research Universities/Cultures of Healthy Aging (IARU/CHA) conference, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 21, 2014. 


Natur- og humanvidenskaber i dialog om de store udfordringer: Aldring, sygdom og fødevaresikkerhed.
Lecture and accompanying panel discussion in connection with the engagement of the VILLUM FOUNDATION and the VELUX FOUNDATION in the “European Science Open Forum” (ESOF) conference (June 21-26, 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24, 2014.


At dø for tidligt eller at blive gammel - Er der et alternativ?
Lecture at ESOF Conference 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24, 2014.


Den grå revolution.
Lecture at the Science in the City/Hospital of tomorrow debate about aging in connection with the “European Science Open Forum” (ESOF) conference (June 21-26, 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25, 2014.


Healthy ageing prospects: challenges and opportunities for policy makers.
Lecture at the European Population Conference, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, June 27, 2014.


Livet i forandring: Hvornår er man (for) gammel?
Lecture at a course for people aged 50+ years, arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension”, Vejle, Denmark, September 12, 2014.


Hvad skal der til for at blive 100 år?
Lecture at at the People’s University, Holstebro, Denmark, September 25, 2014.


Living longer – and better?
Keynote lecture at the British Geriatrics Society Autumn Meeting, Brighton Centre, London, Great Britain, October 17, 2014.


Aldring før og nu.
Lecture in connection with the 100-Year Symposium at the Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark, October 31, 2014.


Activity and function in elderly.
How much do genes predict our aging and loss in bodily functions?

Two lectures at the international symposium on aging and physical training, arranged by Centre for Healthy Aging (University of Copenhagen), La Santa, Lanzarote, Spain, November 2-7, 2014.


Ældre – en demografisk udfordring?
Lecture at the People’s University, Odense, Denmark, November 26, 2014.




Hvad skal der til for at blive 100 år?
Lecture at Dalum Church, Odense, Denmark, January 17, 2013.


Genetics of aging and longevity.
Lecture at a Special Seminar at Columbia University Medical Center, G.H. Sergievsky Center/Taub Institute, New York, USA, March 11, 2013.


Foredrag om den nyeste forskning vedrørende ældre patienter og aldring.
Theme meeting about the elderly medical patients/citizens, at Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark, April 16, 2013.


Hvad skal der til for at blive 100 år?
Lecture at “Forskningens Døgn”, Odense Town Hall, Odense, Denmark, May 2, 2013.


Hvor stor og hvor syg er 'den demografiske bombe'?
ecture at the annual meeting in Dansk Selskab for Ledelse i Sundhedsvæsenet (DSS) [Danish society for management in the health care sector], Copenhagen, Denmark, May 23, 2013.


Healthy aging – outreach to society.
Lecture at the INTERREG4A “Healthy Aging” closing meeting, Hotel Koldingfjord, Kolding, Denmark, June 18, 2013.


Trivsel i senkarrieren – hvornår er man (for) gammel.
Lecture at a course for the 50+ year-olds, arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension”, Ebeltoft, Denmark, August 27, 2013.


Fremtidens seniorer – alderdommen er ikke, hvad den har været.
Lecture at a conference “The future elderly sports – between chair exercise and ironman”, arranged by Idrættens Analyseinstitut and DGI, Vejen, Denmark, September 3, 2013.


Hvornår er man (for) gammel.
Lecture at a course for people aged 50+ years, arranged by the Danish pension fund “PFA Pension”, Schackenborg, Denmark, October 1, 2013.


Hvad skal der til for at blive 100 år?
Lecture in Paarup Kirke, Odense, Denmark, October 8, 2013.


Ældre patienter – hvad kan de og vi forvente?
Lecture at a theme meeting for the heads of the hospital departments at “Hospitalsenheden Vest”, Central Denmark Region, Ringkøbing, October 10, 2013.


Hvorfor ældes kvinder og mænd forskelligt?
Lecture at the People’s University, Odense, Denmark, October 21, 2013.


Behandling af de ældste – hvad har vi gang i?
Lecture at the autumn meeting in the Danish Society of Cardiology, Odense, Denmark, October 31, 2013.


Behandlingen af de ældre – hvad har vi gang i?
Lecture at a theme meeting about elderly with apoplectic damage in “Hjernesagen”, Odense, Denmark, November 28, 2013. 



Tinna Stevnsner:




Hvorfor ældes vi? - nogle molekylære aspekter.
Lecture at Ældresagen i Aarhus, Denmark, March 2017


Regulation of base excision repair in the aging human brain.
Lecture at the  62nd  Benzon Symposium on Genome Stability and Neurodegeneration, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2016

Molecular Biology of Aging.
Lecture at a conference on Biotechnology for a Longer Life. Aarhus, Denmark, December 2016.

Regulation of base excision repair in the aging human brain.
Lecture at the 45th meeting of the European Environmental Mutagenesis & Genomic Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2016.

Aldringens molekylærbiologi.
Lecture for visiting HTX-students from Herningsholms Erhvervsgymnasium, Denmark, October 2016.

Dansk Center for Aldringsforskning (DARC) – et samarbejde mellem forskellige forskningsområder og institutioner.
Presentation at the national gerontology conference on aging and society, Middelfart, Denmark, November 2016.

 Del af en biologi-serie). Lecture at Folkeuniversitet i Aarhus, Denmark, November 2016.


Aldringens Molekylærbiologi.
Lecture at Viby Gymnasium, Aarhus, Denmark, January 27, 2015.


Mitochondrial DNA maintenance - and aging.
Lecture at Mitochondrial Physiology summer school, University of Copenhagen, August 19, 2015,


Ilt og Aldring.
Lecture at the People’s University, Aarhus, Denmark, October 8, 2015




Mitochondrial DNA repair and brain aging.
Presentation at Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, University of California, Irvine, USA, January 18, 2014.


Changes in transcription of DNA repair genes with aging and in Alzheimers disease.
Presentation at National Institutes on Aging, NIH, USA. May 16, 2014.




Mitochondrial dysfunction in a premature aging syndrome, CSB.
Lecture at Ph.D.-Summer school on “Mitochondria in Health and Disease”, Aarhus University, Denmark, June, 2013.


Hvorfor ældes vi? - Når vores molekyler gør os gamle.
Lecture at the People’s University, Aarhus Denmark, April 8, 2013.


Hvorfor ældes vi? - Når vores molekyler gør os gamle.
Lecture at the People’s University, Horsens, Denmark, October 22, 2013.


Protein interactions for Cockayne Syndrome B (CSB) protein in base excision repair (BER).
Invited talk at VthFundamental Aspects of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis Conference. Sao Paulo, Brazil. October, 2013.


Different roles of CSB protein in BER in nucleus and mitochondria.
Invited talk at 11th International Conference of Environmental Mutagens – 11th ICEM. Foz de AIguazu, Brazil. November, 2013.



Merete Osler:



Danish Registers and cohorts.
Lecture at the course Tracking brain and behavioural changes across the life span. Hvidovre Hospital, January 25, 2016.


Stressfull lifeevents and Leucocyte telomere length.
Lecture at the 23rd Nordic Congress in ageing Tampere, Finland, June 20, 2016.

Dansk Center for Aldringsforskning - Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning - Syddansk Universitet

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: +45 6550 4088

Sidst opdateret: 08.04.2021