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Deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2018.

Please use this template for abstracts.

Send abstracts by email to

Oral presentations
The times allocated for oral presentations are as follows:

  • Plenary lectures, 30 minutes total
  • Oral presentations, 20 minutes total

Please allow up to 5 min. for discussion. Participants should upload their files and/or test their presentations before the session.

Poster presentations

A poster session is a graphic presentation of an author's research. Authors illustrate their study findings by displaying graphs, photos, diagrams, and a small amount of text on poster boards. A good format to follow is title and author(s), a brief introduction, experimental details, if novel: results and conclusion.

We recommend A1 size poster in portrait. Organisers will provide participants with all necessary equipment to hang the posters. Participants can put their posters up at the beginning of the day of their poster session or just before it.



Last Updated 29.10.2019