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Assessment of soils ability to adsorb zinc, as a solution to the leaching of zinc from artificial turfs - a comparison between soil and filter mould

© Hanne Kokkegaard

Louise Jakobsen

Master thesis - Environmental Engineering - 2018

Leaching of zinc from artificial turfs, because of the use of styrene-butadiene-rubber (SBR) infill, has been known for a long time. Whether or not this leached zinc has an impact on the environment, is not clear. Several studies have shown, that the zinc concentration in the drainage water are too high for it to be discharged into freshwater and marine water bodies. Although the opinions are many, whether the zinc concentration in the drainage water raise or fall with the aging of the turf, everyone show a presence of zinc in the drainage water.

The aim with this thesis, was to find whether soils ability to adsorb metals, could be a simple and low-technology solution to prevent the leaching of  zinc. To types of soil was compared. Soil from Snekkersten and filter mould, a type of humus mixed with sand.

The study consisted of several column test and some test in beakers, which all had the purpose to find the soils ability to adsorb zinc from a zinc sulphate solution and thus find the zinc capacity of the two types of soil.

In general, it was found that the filter mould had a bigger zinc capacity, which is due to the greater content of organic material in the filter mould. Further it was found, that a low pH will results in a minor adsorption of zinc and, it was assumed, that a low pH washes out the zinc already bound in the soil.

Based on this study, the soil is the most suitable to be incorporated in the base of the artificial turf, possible as a layer beneath the turf. Based on the zinc capacity found for the filter mould, it could be a solution as well. However, several further studies need to be done, to find how it should be incorporated at the artificial turf, since 15 cm of filter mould did not give a sufficient retention time for the solution in the filter mould.

Collaborating Partners
DJ Miljø og Geoteknik P/S

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Last Updated 25.06.2020