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Behaviour, incentives and motivation

We study how incentives and motivation influence behaviour of health care professionals and organisations, in order to enhance efficient and high quality delivery of health care services. This includes understanding how monetary incentives affect physician behaviour, how other external interventions affect motivation and behaviour and disclosing the motivational profile of GPs.

Current projects:

  • Uncertainty about the effort-performance relationship in threshold-based payment schemes
  • Understanding antibiotic prescription behaviour in general practice
  • Taking care of high-need patients in capitation-based payment schemes – an experimental investigation into the importance of market conditions
  • Disclosing physicians' allocation of health care under different payment schemes
  • Accreditation in general practice - the impact on motivational factors 
  • Physicians' motivational profiles and treatment decisions
  • Empathy amongst general practitioners, and the association with GP characteristics and treatment effects
  • The effect of physicians' objective and subjective resource constraints on prescription behaviour
  • Prescription of medical cannabis: General practitioners' attitudes and experiences
  • Providing incentives for creativity? A lesson for remuneration of doctors
  • Medical engagement in general practice – a questionnaire and register-based study


We study health related behaviour at the patient and population level, thereby enabling the identification of target groups for tailored and more efficient health care interventions. We look at how variation in behaviour and preferences affects outcome/quality of care. For example, we look at the preferences for place of birth and the equity aspects of free choice of hospital, we measure whether members of the public are less altruistic towards individuals with risky lifestyle, we link personal behavioural characteristics to revealed health care consumption patterns, and we explore whether time preferences and present biasedness affects adherence to treatment as well as preventive actions.


Current projects:

  • Diabetes patients' choice of frequency of ambulatory visits at Esbjerg hospital (Diatast)
  • Using behavioural economics to design an IT solution to help overweight women to lose weight prior to pregnancy
  • Is there a limit to society’s altruism towards individuals with risky lifestyle? A laboratory experiment
  • A survey-register linked study: linking personal behavioural characteristics to revealed health care consumption pattern
  • The explanatory power of time preferences and present biasedness on health related behaviour
  • Double jeopardy? Health state dependency reconsidered

Last Updated 20.10.2023