- Baltic Sea Information on the Acoustic Soundscape - BIAS
by Magnus Wahlberg - BAAMRGP: Bioeconomic analysis for Arctic Marine Resource Governance and Policy
by Brooks Kaiser and Niels Vestergaard - Blue INNOship Subproject: Monitoring and Performance
Partnership funded by Innovation Fund Denmark - Biologiske undersøgelser i og omkring den kommende lagune ved Gyldensteen - før og efter oversvømmelse
by Marianne Holmer - Estimation of condition and remaining useful lifetime for oil lubricated machinery in ships,
PhD project by Morten Henneberg - Det Marine Arktiske Kulstofkredsløb
- How oxygen regulates the structure and function of microbial ecosystems
by Donald Canfield - Noise Signals Value: Trading off marine mammals and seismic survey information
by Maarten Punt and Brooks Kaiser - Maritime Decision Support System for Emission Control
by SDU, DTU and the Danish Maritime Fond
by - Microbial oceanography of the oxygen-deficient waters of the eastern trophical South Pacific
by Donald Canfield - SHEBA - Sustainable shipping and environment of the Baltic Sea Region
by Eva Roth