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Exposure to potential traumatic work experiences among police officers and associations to mental health problems and sickness absence. Project manager: Nina Beck Hansen. The project is carried out by The National Center of Psychotraumatology Research Group.
Neuropsychological targets for focus and working memory, and physiological measures of stress. The project is carried out by Associate Professor Ulrich Kirk.
Link between the usage of smartphones and neuropsychological measurement of working memory capacity. The project is carried out by Associate Professor Ulrich Kirk.
Autism and social interaction: expanding existing knowledge about people with ASD. The project is carried out by Associate Professor Ulrich Kirk.
En undersøgelse af, om gang og løbetræning øger effekten af alkoholbehandling, fitness og velvære. Projektansvarlig: Kaya Roessler. Projektet fuldføres af InCoRE forskningsgruppen.
Hvordan den "bebyggede verden" og naturen virker på mennesker, er indholdet af et af psykologiens nyere discipliner – arkitekturpsykologien. Projektansvarlig: Kaya Roessler. Projektet fuldføres af InCoRE forskningsgruppen.
Internet-based treatment of depression and anxiety in patients with ischemic heart disease. The project is carried out by INSIDE Research Group.
Prevention of depression in patients with atrial fibrillation using a precision medicine approach
Patient-centered tools to improve life with heart disease. The project is carried out by INSIDE Research Group.
Psychological burden of hypoglycaemia: a 360 degree assessment. The project is carried out by INSIDE Research Group.
Patient empowerment in cancer patiens during follow-up. A mixed methods study. The project is carried out by INSIDE Research Group
Projektansvarlig: Anja Hvidtfeldt Stanek. Projektet fuldføres af CH:LD forskningsgruppen.
Projektansvarlig: Mette Elmose Andersen. Projektet fuldføres af CH:LD forskningsgruppen
Methylphenidat til ADHD, CARMA projekt, ADHD og trigeminal nervestimulering, Individualisering behandling ved borderline. Projekterne fuldføres af Professor Ole Jakob Storebø, CH:LD forskningsgruppen.