Be more than my illness ...
The participants in a creative writing workshop often come with different backgrounds and prerequisites. Common to them is that their general experience is that the writing workshops allow them a free space where they are seen as people rather than patients.
A former participant from a writing workshop for people in alcohol treatment says, “Here we come as something other than alcoholics”.
Putting words to ... Becoming a sentient being ...
Many participants experience that through participation in a facilitated creative writing workshop, they get tools to formulate themselves and put words to their thoughts.
A participant from a writing workshop for people with cancer says:
“The writing workshop was a big challenge and I was very tired in the evening. We had a nice time and I learned a bit about writing, like what should be in the text and what can be left out. I can use the course to move forward in my life - forget the disease a bit ”
Another participant from the same writing workshop says:
“I've been given good tools to structure the book I want to write and which I am working on now. The writing workshop is important because you get something good from there, a loving and embracing kick - 'I believe in you', and I think you will not sign up for such a course if you are not interested in it. I am absolutely sure that there is something healing in the writing process".