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Narrative Medicine


Participants' experiences

The participants in a creative writing workshop often come with different backgrounds and prerequisites. Common to them is that their general experience is that the writing workshops allow them a free space where they are seen as people rather than patients.

Read more about the participants' experiences here 


The experiences of healthcare professionals

The role of the health care professional at a writing workshop is first and foremost to be a supportive resource and help the participants if they need professional support during the writing workshop. But the therapist also actively participates in the writing workshop.

Read more about a healthcare professional's experiences here


The authors' experiences

Authors who teach creative writing are professional writers who have undergone training in holding writing workshops for vulnerable people who, for example, have/ have had cancer or are receiving alcohol treatment.

Read more about the authors' experiences here

Previous participant:

"I can use the course to move forward in my life - forget the disease a little"

Healthcare professional:

"It was enriching to experience some citizens' resources in formulating themselves. It was a good experience to see the citizens recognize each other as something completely natural."


"Basically, there is no difference between teaching university students and people with serious illness. Here we are all first and foremost writers"

Last Updated 30.06.2024