Newsletter June 2022: ICED22
In this newsletter we invite you to a conference! In the beginning of June 2022, ICED22 - a large international for educational developers is held in Aarhus. The conference is organised by Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education (DUN) and will gather around 600 university pedagogical researchers, consultants, education managers, heads and studies, and teachers from across the world.
The conference theme is sustainable educational development – a theme which of course is important at SDU as elsewhere. Therefore, SDU is one of the sponsors of the conference and offers the conference participants to visit SDU in connection with the conference, to find out more about how SDU address the SDGs.
Many of the staff members from SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning (SDUUP) will be at the conference, as organisers, presenters or participants. Below you will find a sample of interesting contributions to the conference.
Donna Hurford, pedagogical consultant at SDUUP, gives a workshop at the conference, offering the participants the opportunity to work with research based and practical approaches to bias aware teaching, learning and assessment. The awareness of bias and strategies for addressing bias is crucial for sustainable educational development and for the work with UN SDGs. The workshop is based, among other things, on insights and resources on bias aware teaching, learning and assessment from the website unlimited.sdu.dk which is relevant for anyone engaged in teaching, further education, recruitment, management and the UN SDGs. Read Donna’s abstract Practical, research-based approaches to addressing bias in teaching, learning and assessment (pdf).

På workshoppen Making quality work in academic development (link to abstract - pdf) will introduce the participants to ‘the PedaQA Framework’ – a resource designed to inspire and show good examples of how educational developers, head of studies and others can incorporate pedagogical quality work in teaching at universities in the Scandinavian countries. The workshop is based on the outcomes of a 3-year collaborative Nordplus-project with colleagues from universities in Finland and Sweden.
The keynote speakers of the ICED22 conference are:
Katrhyn Sutherland, Associate Professor in the Centre for Academic Development at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, highlights in her keynote - Holistic Academic Development for Academic and Student Success AND Joy - various holistic academic development practices and programmes that encourage care-full and creative ways to work deliberately in partnership with academics and students.
Katarina Mårtensson presents research on informal significant networks, academic microcultures, and collegiality in a joint keynote with Torgny Roxå, both senior lecturers at Lund University. Implications for academic development are discussed as they argue for explicit perspectives on change as a necessity for sustainable continued development.
Klara Bolander Laksov, Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Stockholm University Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching, explores in her keynote - Pedagogical leadership for sustainable educational development in higher education - the notion of sustainable educational development from a pedagogical leadership perspective. Based on studies from general higher education, she addresses the opportunities for working in partnership with academic leaders in, what she calls a ’Pedagogical leadership’.
Kasturi Behari-Leak, Associate Professor in Higher Education Studies and Dean of the Centre for Higher Education Development at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, gives an ICED presidential speech in the closing keynote - The role of Educational Development in sustaining a higher purpose for Higher Education.
Læs mere om de 4 keynotes på ICED22-konferencens website.
Under the auspices of DUN, SDUUP’s former colleague Kasper Bergstrøm, has made 6 interesting podcasts as a prelude to the ICED22 conference. You will, for instance, meet the conference keynotes on a more informal note and you will be introduced to the 7 conference subthemes and how the universities work with the UN SDGs. Access the 6 podcasts via this link
The next ICED conference will be in 2024. However, you do not need to wait until 2024 – you are welcome at SDUUP’s annual conference TAL2022 – Teaching for Active Learning - which is held on 8 November 2022 at SDU, Odense. Read about the TAL2022 conference and register on this link.
DUN continuously gather teachers, developers of teaching, and researchers to share knowledge, exchange experiences and develop new ideas, for instance via DUNK – a yearly conference – and by arranging various activities in relation to university pedagogy. Read about coming activities on DUN’s website.